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Hey guys. This is the last chapter of Morphed, and though it's not particularly long, it covers everything that needs to be covered, and I'm actually very happy with it. I think you guys will be too. 🙂

Merry Christmas, everybody.


We stand undefined
Can't be drawn with a straight line
This will not be our ending
We are alive, we are alive

~Imperfection (Evanescence)


The Winter air was cold, and the Hughes family were rugged up warm as they played in the snow. Alphonse and Elicia Hughes took joy in the snow that was as deep as their ankles. They made snow men, snow angels and had snowball fights, as their vigilant mother, Gracia, watched on, keeping her eye on the children and the people surrounding them. The sky was clear today, so they weren't the only family outside, though they were the first. Alphonse had quickly been joined by some of his friends, as had Elicia. Though as the day had progressed, the group had dissipated, until it was just Al and Elicia again.

Alphonse looked back over his shoulder, grinned and waved.

"Ed, come play with us!" He called.

Edward smiled, but shook his head. "Nah Al, I'm good over here." He said. Al shrugged and went back to building a snowman with Elicia. Gracia smiled down at him from her place beside Ed on the park bench.

"Edward Hughes," She chided lightly. "Why don't you go play with your brother?"

Ed sighed. "I just...don't feel like it, Gracia." He said. Gracia nodded her understanding, but didn't say anything, choosing instead to scoot a little closer and wrap her arm around his shoulder. It was something she'd been doing to comfort him ever since the woman had adopted him a few months ago, and Edward found he quite enjoyed it. He leaned into the contact a little more, breathing deeply.

He remembered the day Gracia had told him that she had adopted him. He'd spent his entire stay in the hospital waiting for the day he'd be released, but he'd stressed as to where he would go once that day came. He'd already been released from Mustang's 'care', and as relieving as that was, he was terrified he was going to end up trapped in the Foster system, as Pinako had already been deemed unfit to look after him due to her age. She'd been told by the child welfare officers that she was lucky to continue to keep custody of her granddaughter, and not to push her luck by trying to take in anyone else. Ed had understood, and told her not to try and pursue the matter any more. She'd argued, wanting to fight for him, but Edward had made it clear to her that Winry had to be her first priority, and, reluctantly, Pinako backed down.

Despite telling her that he'd be fine, he was still sweating bullets the day he was to be released.

And then, at the last moment, Gracia had walked into his hospital room, the same time as she visited every day, with her daughter and her adopted son at her heels. And then she'd pulled the adoption papers out of her pocket, and Edward had cried.

Now here they were, three months later, enjoying the snow. As he watched his brother and sister playing, Ed thought about what had happened directly following the defeat of Father. After he'd made it to the Hospital and saved Riza's life, almost killing himself in the process, he'd been put in a medically induced coma for a week while the doctors had done their best to heal him. He'd woken up with a pounding head and a sore...well...everything, but the first thing he'd done was ask where she was and if she was okay. He'd been relieved to hear that she was.

"Alphonse! Elicia!" Gracia called from beside him. Both kids heads snapped up and looked towards them. "It's time to go home!" She informed them.

Edward stood up beside her and stretched while they waited for Al and Elicia to make their way back to them. When they dad, Al took his place beside Ed, and they followed Elicia and Gracia back home.

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