Chapter Seventeen

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Hey. So, thanks to my friends on Wattpad, you know who you are, I somehow managed to get myself roped into posting this chapter a day earlier than I had originally intended. So, here it is. Lyrics are Three Days Grace, and I have to say, I think they really work for this chapter.




I never thought
I'd feel this
Guilty and I'm
Broken down inside
Living with myself
Nothing but lies

I always thought
I'd make it
But never knew I'd
Let it get so bad
Living with myself

World So Cold (Three Days Grace)


Edward wasn't going to be allowed out of the hospital for nearly a week after being admitted. The doctors wanted to keep him in so that they could make sure there weren't going to be any more problems with his throat, because it had taken a day or so after waking up for him to be able to breathe properly on his own.

While he was stuck in the small little room within the great big building, he learned the reason Hawkeye hadn't joined the rest of the team when Maes had called them over. The night Hakuro had beat the shit out of him for being outside without him, Hawkeye had been shot in the shoulder, in an attempt to protect Mustang from an attacker that had ambushed the two of them whilst they'd been out on a walk. Through the concern for her that bloomed in his breast, he couldn't help but smile slightly at the bravery and loyalty the woman had for her superior officer that she would take a bullet for him.

Right now he was sitting alone in his hospital room, waiting to hear from Maes as to what was going to happen to him now. Hakuro had been arrested and was in prison on multiple charges assault. The trial was set for three weeks from now, but Ed wasn't sure where he was going to be staying in the mean time. Hell, he might even just stay at the hospital. He hoped to a God he didn't believe in that he wouldn't have to, he despised being in hospitals.

His fists were clenched with anxiousness. Maes had told him he was going to do all he could to be permitted to watch over Edward, but he had already said that the chances weren't good. He might just have to go to Mustang right away. And as nice as the man had been to him lately, and as much as he had (tried) helped him out on that day, Edward couldn't help but feel a deep un-wanting in regards to having to stay with him. Even without all the pain the man had put him through, he had never truly gotten along with the man, and loathed having to spend any real time in close contact with him, let alone having to live with him full time.

Through it all, Ed's throat itched like mad, and only a few times had he managed to restrain himself from it's urge and avoid coughing up blood.

Alphonse had visited him in his hospital bed more than a few times, only ever leaving when Edward made him. He didn't want his little brother missing out on the important parts of his life just because Ed was in the hospital. He had friends, actual friends his own age, and Edward wanted him to spend every second possible with them, in an ill attempt to try and make up for the time lost in the armour.

It was lonely, in the hospital. The nurses stopped by every now and then to make sure he was doing okay, but he didn't want them. He only wanted Maes. Maes and Hawkeye. They were the only people he desired visit him, though he would never voice that. And as much as he wanted to make sure his brother was okay, it was better that he just stay with his friends as aforementioned. During the times when he was alone, he read a lot. Mostly fact books. Alchemy books and chemistry books and biology books. But he did read a novel or two once or twice, but didn't find them quite as enjoyable. He was the type of person that preferred reading about real things that were important to know over made up adventures of people that never had and never would exist.

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