Chapter Twenty Two

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Short ass chapter, but, whatevs, I've got some other stuff I'm working on. Also, please PLEASE read the note at the end of the chapter, it's really important. Also, I'm not sure if I've remembered to do this before, but credit to the picture goes to the artist. It's not mine.


*For non-Australians, a doona is our word for comforter* (why would it be called a comforter, anyway? American words make no sense to me. :'D *Laughs at the fact that I had to consult a comparison site just to find out what the american word for doona was.* )


cause you know it's over
growin' colder
I need something
leave me next to nothing

all we ever wanted
I need something
leave me next to nothing

next to nothing

~Next To Nothing (Breaking Benjamin)



"Do you remember when I gave one of the photographs from Ed' an artist friend of mine to see if she could bring out who it was?" Hawkeye asked.


"Well, I just got the pictures back." She reached into the pocket of her uniform and pulled out two things, one of which Maes recognized as the blurry photograph from the file. The second was a pencil drawing.

She handed him both, and when he got a good look at the pencil drawing, he wanted to throw up.

It was...

It was Hakuro.


"Uh, Ed?" Mustang asked, and if Maes wasn't mistaken, his best friend's voice sounded a little...unsure. "You, uh...can I, uh, show you to your room?" Maes grin dropped, remembering the conversation he'd had with Roy when he was here last.

Ed looked up at him, unsure himself, and Maes gave him a nod, encouraging him to let Roy show him where to go. He saw Ed take in a deep breath before nodding back, moving to stand by Mustang. The older man bit his lip and then lead Edward upstairs.


Mustang led Edward up to his new room, and Edward had to clench his fists to keep from shaking. He had his suspicions as to why Maes stayed on the ground floor and left Mustang and Ed alone, but still, being away from Maes made him nervous in a way he would never otherwise admit, at least out loud, anyway. He didn't like being alone with Mustang. Despite the fact that he had accepted that Mustang's little beatings were a thing of the past and they'd both reconciled.

Mustang opened a door to his left and gestured for Edward to enter, and Ed did so silently, not knowing what to say. He tried for a smile as Mustang held the door for him, but he wasn't sure if he'd actually managed any more than a grimace.

The room was pretty average; on the wall to his left there was a wooden six-shelf dresser, a desk and chair, and a full length mirror. On the right wall was a decently painted landscape of a sunset over a hill, with three chestnut horses grazing at the top. At the back wall in the center was a double bed with plain blue bed-sheets, and a heavy and warm looking doona* on the top. The walls were painted a half decent sky-blue colour, which was a nice change from the rest of the beige house. All in all, the room didn't look overly bad.

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