chapter 3.

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"Can you stop!" I growl through clenched teeth.

I hear her turn to me, "how about we make a deal?" She says with a steady voice.

I think it over for a second and realise I'd do anything to make her shut up.

"Fine" I spit.

"Tell me what I want to know and I'll be quiet" she replys.

"What do you want to know" I ask wearily.

"Let's start with your name" she states.

I grit my teeth but know I have no choice.

"Steel" I say annoyed

"Last name?" She says.

"Bain" I grit out.

"Steel bain.." she murmurs to herself, testing it out on her tongue.

Sighing with annoyance I decide to give her no emotion. It works better.

We continue walking into my territory.

"Do you want to know my name?" She blurts out.

I grit my teeth "no" I spit icily.

Her movements halt for a second before she walks ahead. She stays silent for the rest of the way.


Her pov

I'm done. Fuck him and his bullshit. I tried to play nice for their sake, but he's gonna get as good as he gives.

They all walk behind me in awkward silence, me in front.

A huge mansion stands in front of me but i don't stop to take in its beauty. Storming up to the door I fling it open, it makes a loud whack from the force.

The dogs in the house all look at me with suprise and confusion. Knowing they're all sizing me up I search for the biggest man I'm the room. Walking up to him I twist him quickly not giving him time to react. Bringing his arm at an odd angle, I can see his face consort with pain. He let's out no sound so I grip it harder, it makes a slight cracking sound. He let's out a pain filled growl.

"Listen up dogs, I don't give a fuck how strong you are. You come near me, I will put you down! You touch me, I'll put you down permenantly!" I spit venemously, my voice deadly yet powerful.

Shoving the man away from me he spins and glares at me but doesn't dare attack me.

Fear lingers in the air but only slightly, I guess they really do think they're more superior than me. A human.

Spinning to the leader, the room falls into silence as he enters. Fear now suffocating the room.

I scoff "your scared of him?" I smirk nastily.

His head snaps to me with a furious look.

"Oh, did I hurt your pride" I say in a baby voice adding a pout.

The room drops deadly silent as he stalks towards me. Shoving my fear aside I keep my head high.

"I suggest you watch your fucking mouth, I won't hesitate to kill you" he hisses in my face.

Laughing humourless I go to push him away from me. His hands grip mine tightly as he growls. Instead of tingles pain erupts.

His huge hands smother mine as his hold tightens, my nuckles popping out of place. Fear practically chokes me as it doubles in the room.

Forcing back a flinch I push the pain aside and stand straight. He growls one last time giving my fists one final hard squeeze. I feel some bones break, my hands burn rapidly as he moves away.

Lifting my hands to my face I clench my teeth as the searing pain doubles when I try to straighten them.

"I want some food" I state blankly. Asshole broke my fingers. On both of my hands. Fucking prick.

An emotion flashes across his face before it gone. Only I notice it.

Steels pov

My wolf growls at me as I squeeze her tighten. Her fingers and knuckles popping and cracking under the force of my hands.

Letting go I hide my suprise as she doesn't even flinch. What suprises me even more is that she doesn't even care. Instead she asks for food, what the fuck. Any normal girl would run off petrified.

"Follow me" I say with annoyance.

'Get back to what you were doing. She's a guest" I order throught the link icily.

She follows slowly behind me, reaching the kitchen not long after.

I can already smell my sister before we walk in.

"Steel! I didn't think you'd be back so soon" she says nervously.

"What the fuck have you done now chloe."

Dakotas pov.

"N-nothing" she replys looking away from him.

He looks at her but not at her at the same time.

I frown "are you ok?" I ask him ever so slightly concerned.

His head snaps to me "what do you mean" he snaps annoyed.

"Calm the fuck down asshole, you should be happy that someone cares. With your attitude though it doesn't fucking suprise me that your not liked" I snap.

Chloe gasps looking at me with fear in her eyes and shakes her head gently. Not fear of me but fear for me.

"What the fuck do you know about me? Nothing. Now shut the fuck up like a good little human" he growls.

Chloe looks at him "steel" she scolds.

"Chloe, don't even fucking start with me" He spits.

I stand closer to her eyeing him up "Don't speak to her like shit you fucking dog, you belong in a cage you fucking animal" I say angrily.

She moves away from me with wide eyes "you shouldn't have done that" she whispers scared.

I frown as she backs away from me, fear evident on her face.

Hands grip my neck tightly and lifts me off the ground. My feet dangle in the air. Instead of struggling like a normal person I stay still.

"You have three seconds to release your grip" I say calmly.

1, 2,..3
Swinging one of my legs up, I wrap it around his side. Using my the heels of my feet I dig it into the center of his spine.

Instantly he drops me as he bends over swearing violently.

"I did warn you, stop thinking your better than everyone else. Stop pushing people away and stop hiding you emotions" I say annoyed.

Me being a dick to him constantly isn't going to help. What will help is me being half soft and half of a dick.

"I don't know you but if I'm right, we're mates. From what I know, mates mean something so ill be dammed if I let you push me away" I say.

"You need me, I can handle myself if that's what your worried about. I mean if you don't want me then just reject me and ill leave. You'll never see me again just give me the word" I say with pain etched into my voice.

He stands looking conflicted. "I..

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