Chapter 76 - beginning of the end.

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"Micheal, you owe me this. Can I count on you?" I ask him, already knowing that he will go through with it.

As I expected he nods his head. Chloe will be arriving tonight, Angel is going to need her support. Micheal has the hardest job, he's got to lie to not only the most ruthless Alpha, but also his own mate. Let's just hope that he's good at not telling the truth.

"Always. I'm forever in your debt for what you did for me and Chloe" he sincerely says.

I'm done playing games. I've a thousand lives. And if my time is over in doing this, then so be it. Angel will live, I just won't be with him. The king wants all of me, and all of my power, that's exactly what he's going to get.

"People are going to die, hundreds, maybe thousands. But you do whatever you have to, to ensure that Angel isn't one of those people" I order giving him a stern look.

He just nods his head. "Why does this sound like you're saying goodbye?" He asks me, his voice soft.

I just offer him a small smile. He gives me a look of understanding. He knows that I'm tired of living, tired of running, tired of concealing the power inside me. For the first time ever, I allow Micheal to wrap his arms around me, I return the short but friendly embrace of comfort and goodbye. And then we split.

"Your name will never be spoken in vain. I swear it, now go, before you see me cry" he smiles with a sad glint in his eyes. I laugh a little at his words, flashing him a small smile of gratefulness.

We haven't spent much time together to be classed as close, but he is one of the three people I'd bestow eternal life upon. So I guess he is my friend, as is Chloe. They will never age, never grow old, never die. Their children will never age past 21, and neither will Angel. He will forever live. And in 100 years he will be granted another mate by the moon.

"May we meet again"

With those final words vanishing into the air I turn, and I walk away. Vanishing deep into the border separating the woods from the perimeter of the mansion. I didn't look back. I couldn't. I will always love Angel with everything I have, everything I am, and I know it will break him once he realises I'm gone. But this is the only way to get rid of the mad king. This is my war, and I won't ask anyone else to fight it for me.

The king wants a war of the ages. He wants a battle of the old and new. And he's going to fucking get one.

As I reach the dry outlands separating territories I stop running, and I walk towards my brothers. The danger that we posed hung heavily in the air around us, like a dark cloak.

Seeing the bodies laid out on the ground in front of them I reach into my cloak, and pull out a dagger. Once I stood over the rotted corpses, or skeletons with only teeth and brittle bone left, I made a deep cut into my wrist. The wind whipped around us, lashing against me as mother nature grew angry with my actions.

I ignore it.

Crouching down I watch closely as my blood drips into the mouth of the first barely there skeleton. He's been dead so long that half of his bones had turned to dust over the centuries of confinement under the ground.

I moved along the long line of dead, giving them each a mouthful of my blood. The fact that I've lost so much blood didn't bother me, being what I am means that I produce blood faster than any other being.

"Is that everyone?" I ask Dominik, he stands to the side with my brothers. Each dressed in clothing from another time, another world.

"Almost, our creator didn't see us going down a path without an army. She saw us beside Angel, fighting our battles as one. Because of this she will be giving us the men and women that you remember as a child. She will be gifting to you, her own loyal army of the unsullied" Dominik tells me.

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