chapter 38

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~ Chapter 38 ~

My heart stopped beating and I struggled to breath.

"Me and you could do great things Dakota, we could make a bloodline even stronger than my own" he offers circling me.

"Your right. We could make a bloodline stronger than you..and by we I mean me and my mate" I reply coldly. He was blocking my way to Angel and I had to act quick, he could die any minute.

"You can't save him Dakota, he's already dead" he chuckles and I smirk back at him, he falters slightly.

"That makes three of us" he looks confused, that was until I sunk my fangs into his jugular vain.

Blood squirted out into my mouth and I pulled away. It poured past my lips and down my chin.

As he stumbled I pushed him towards angel who was still in lycan form. His razor sharp claws facing up, angels father tripped over backwards. Angels claws sliced through his fathers chest, piercing his heart killing him within seconds.

Tossing the dead lycan to the side I kneel by angels head, he was alive. But barely. He had slices all over him, 13 bullet wounds and 5 stab wounds. The bullets were made with enough poison to kill 4 elephants within minutes.

Looking down into his black eyes i felt a tear trickle down my face.

"I kept my promise, now keep yours" I tell him with hidden panic in my voice. He looked up at me with so much love I could hear the sound of my own heart breaking.

"I love you..angel? Angel!" I plead slapping his cheeks lightly, his eyes begin to roll and I knew he only had seconds left.

I couldn't breathe. My soul was being torn apart as my soulmate drifted away. My vision blurred and I knew I had no other choice.

"Forgive me my love" I whisper softly before extending my fangs, slowly sucking the blood from him I dig my sharpened nails into his chest down to his heart.

The venom in my nails entered his heart and it stopped. Slowly but surely he began to heal, I began to weaken. Blood began to drip from my nose, my eyes began to leak red tears and soon enough I was pulling away.

My body was numb, I spluttered up blood. Coughing and coughing causing myself even more pain.

The last thing I heard before the life drained from my body was the steady heartbeat of my mate. His lycan healing him with new speed.

I granted him my gifts. My life.

This is goodbye angel..for good this time.

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