chapter 33

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~ chapter 33 ~

The door opens quietly but I don't move from my spot, I already know who it is by the warmth on my skin from his presence.

He shuts the door behind him leaving the room is complete darkness, he goes into the bathroom and I hear the shower start.

I wanted to say something to him. But I had nothing to say. He thought Id be able to kill an unborn baby. His words didn't hurt me, it was what he didn't say but felt that hurt me.

Was he disgusted by me?

Did he hate me?

His pack think of me as a monster, a disgrace. Why should he be any different?

But then again he is my mate. I couldn't bring myself to feel any hate towards him, and I doubt I ever will no matter what he does.

I wait for a while silent and still, eventually he gets in the huge bed next to me.

"Your wrong" he tells me in a soft voice, one that he only uses when speaking to me.

"How so?" I ask with a low quiet voice, my position stays facing away from him.

"There's something your not telling me. I know you didn't kill it, so I want some answers" he replies facing me with a small confused frown.

"Don't act like you don't know what I'm doing" I reply sighing quietly.

"Its an innocent baby Dakota" he tells me groaning with stress. Standing from the bed in a flash I glare darkly at him.

"Innocent? Since when did you get so fucking soft? That THING is NOT our baby!" I tell him snapping without meaning to. He sits up and moves so he's kneeled on the bed in front of me.

"I fucking know that Lana! But whether you like it or not that baby is your niece or nephew" he reasons.

"Why are you PROTECTING IT!?" Frustration and anger consumed me. I turn away from him and place and hand over my mouth biting on my knuckle with fury.

"IM NOT. I'm protection you! You couldn't kill your brother so what makes you think you can kill it!"

I face him instantly. "Are you really going to throw that in my face right now? You think you know me angel..but you really don't. If it wasn't for you he'd be dead. But I LOVE you, I let him walk this earth to keep YOU safe" I narrow my eyes.

His ocean blue ones flicker to pitch black and he stands from the bed towering over me.

"You forget who I am buttercup" he tuts at me with a tight angry jaw and sharp black eyes.

"No.." I shake my head sitting on the edge of the bed and placing my elbows on my knees breathing a sigh of air.

"You forget who I am angel" I reply not wanting to further our conversation.

"The more you see the less you know" I breath deeply closing my eyes, eventually he would figure it out. When the time comes the only thing I can do is protect him, he's my weakness.

And they know that.

"After everything we've been through your still keeping secrets and pushing me away?" He questions accusingly with hurt laced in his tone. My heart twinged painfully feeling his pain, this is the reason he needs protecting.

"Its not that simple" I turn to him grabbing his face in my hands, unsure if I should speak my mind.

He frowns at me. "Then make it that simple" he replies firmly, his hands by his sides.

Sighing I pull away from him looking away.

"Your father is your strongest enemy. They're going to use him against you, he will be trained to their highest expectations to kill you" I tell him. My voice monotone.

He remains silent, his face void of any emotion.

"He'll keep you occupied whilst the rest come for me. They don't know how strong I really am, but what they do have against me is my weakness" I look up at him hoping my words didn't sound offending.

"I won't let anything happen to you, not now not ever" he growls venomously, he hates his father with a burning passion.

"That's exactly what they want! Without me you won't find them, your pack won't survive this war..and neither will you" I reason glaring at him.

"As long as your safe I'll be fine" he strokes my face and I pull away furiously. Standing from the bed I feel my blood pump through my veins, I struggle to remain human.

"Do you think I'd survive if you were dead? Are you fucking crazy? You are my weakness. You get hurt I get hurt. You die I die. We die and this war was for nothing. Your pack will be'll be seen as the Alpha who died for nothing" his snarl cuts me off. He stands before me clenching his fists with fury, grabbing his hands in mine I look up at him.

"Don't you see?" I ask him softly shaking my head.

"If you join this'll be killing the entire werewolf race"

"And if I don't I'll be killing my mate" he breaths like an angry dragon.

"God damn it angel!" I growl yanking my hands away from his frustrated.

"They're expecting you to follow me! I'm too strong for them to kill me! But if you show will be the one to kill me!" I shout clear and honest.

His eyes turn icy blue, I watch as he fights himself mentally.

"I will come back..just please..stay here and be safe..promise me" I say softly grabbing his face gently in my hands.

"You can't ask that from me" he whispers harshly.

"But I am..promise me you'll survive" I plead. His hands wrap around me and he hugs me into his body. I could feel his inner turmoil, his pain from his decisions and mine.

My eyes blurred with tears but I refused to let them fall as I buried my head into his neck. For the first time I felt as if a weight had been lifted off me, I felt lighter and it felt nice.

"Promise me something in return" he mutters into my hair. I hold him tightly knowing I didn't have long, I know angel and I know he'd attack first not realising what he was facing, he'd break his promise to keep me alive.

"Leave my father. He's mine" I nod instantly, I could promise him that.

Pulling away slightly I turn his face towards me, pressing my lips to his softly. He responded immediately but kept it soft and gentle, our love and passion for each other passing through the kiss.

Goodbye angel..

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