chapter 29

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~ Chapter 29 ~

"What are you doing?" I groan with annoyance, barely awake and already wanting to hit someone. Once again something moves on my stomach and I shift my sleeping position growling softly.

Still not feeling comfortable I finally open my eyes, looking around frowning. Angel lays beside me furrowing his eyebrows looking deeply concentrated.

"What's wrong?" I ask softly, does he hate me? I've treated him and everyone around me like dirt for the past week. Does he regret last night?

He turns his head towards me "I have to go somewhere, I'll be back soon to make you breakfast" he rushes after listening for a few minutes.

"Oh..ok" I reply looking down, feeling as if he's rushed to get away from me because I'm no good for him. Pulling the sheets closer to my body I hold them tightly, he quickly gets in the shower and normally I'd join him but something

He rushes to get dressed and soon enough he leaves the house, to go do whatever.

Sighing quietly I ignore my aching heart knowing I deserved it and head to get a hot bubble bath, using the strawberry scented bubbles.

Sinking down into the hot bubbled water I close my eyes peacefully, my skin burned slightly under the heat of the water which was strange because heat never bothered me.

Shrugging it off I turn my head into my shoulder and sigh quietly, my body feeling light making it hard to move so I decided to simply lay there instead.


A loud bang startles me and I snap my eyes open from my peaceful sleep not bothering to wonder when I drifted off. Focusing on the noise I hear the front door slam shut the sound making me flinch slightly as it hurt my eardrums.

Climbing out of the now cold water I wrap a fluffy white towel around myself quickly, my eyes unmoving as I watch the bathroom door intently.

It doesn't take long before it too slams open, sending pain through my eardrums.

Wincing slightly I cover my ears and look up at..angel, he looks like a damn crazy person.

"Stop slamming doors" I hiss as my ears recover rather quickly.

He hands me a bag rushed and I watch him concerned as he looks lost in thought and starts to pace.

Curiously I open the bag, five blue and white boxes sit inside and upon reading the label I shut the bag quickly.

"Its not possible" I tell him shaking my head, my own heart pounding in my ears.

His ocean clear blue eye shift to a deadly black and he looks at me.

"We haven't exactly been using any protection" he grunts running his hand through his hair. Sadness washes over me but I know it was never a possibility anyway.

"That doesn't matter angel" I tell him quietly and looking away, ashamed I never told him.

"Take the tests..just so we know for sure" he replies and I shake my head, gently throwing the bag at him which he catches easily.

"Angel..there's something I need to tell you..please don't hate me" I say quietly glancing up at him, he shakes his head but encourages me to go on.

"Promise me" I tell him with a slightly pleading tone, I couldn't handle him hating me for my mistakes. He walks towards me with worried eyes and gently grabs my hands in his to sooth both our nerves.

"I couldn't hate you if I tried Lana" he tells me softly. I nod and look down at our hands, turning them so I'm holding his tightly. Afraid he'll try and walk away from me once I tell him.

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