chapter 30

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~ Chapter 30 ~

Entering the pack house I notice everyone already in bed, so quietly I make my way to mine and angels bedroom. Opening the door I walk inside and close it behind me gently.

He's not here.

I ignore the burning in my chest and slide my clothes off, pulling on some of my own pajamas instead of angels like I normally do.
Brushing my teeth and hair I then climb into my side of the bed, laying on the edge and pulling the covers over myself.

It didn't feel right without him here. It felt empty. I felt lost. I feel useless.

As the word repeats itself inside my head I feel tears slide down my face, I let them fall. I don't bother to wipe them or make any sound of movement as I cry silently.

After a while a headache forms and I close my eyes, wanting darkness to consume me and make me sleep.


The door opens quietly but I pretend to be asleep, not wanting to face him. His footsteps pause for a second and I feel his eyes on me, I ignore him.

He takes off his clothes and walks around his side of the bed, he pulls back the covers and gets in his side. No words were spoken, no sounds were heard other than our breathing.

He remained still for a while but I could tell he couldn't sleep either.

He was the first to move and he shifted towards me in the bed, he moved so his chest was pressed up against my back. His large muscular arm wrapped around my waist and his hand was pressed gently about my abdomen. I could only imagine what he was imagining at the moment.

He nestles his head into the crook of my left shoulder, pressing a light kiss against my skin. He must have felt the wetness on my face because his hand moves from my waist up to my face. His thumb wipes a tear on my cheek away, he held me tighter to him.

"I'm sorry" he whispers into my ear and rests his head above mine, his arms holding me close to him.

"I just needed to think, you know this changes nothing right?" He asks quietly, I move my left hand and gently entwine my fingers over his above my abdomen. His hand squeezes mine gently and I close my eyes despite not being tired.

"I love you no matter what" he whispers and my heart warmed at his words. I moved our hands up to my heart and squeezed his hand a little, I didn't want to speak. My action showed him what I meant despite not hearing the words, and he understood.


Opening my eyes I move my hand from over angels and rub the dryness from them. Normally angel wakes up instantly as soon as I move, but he didn't.

Throughout the entire night we didn't move our position, either because we were too tired or we both wanted to comfort the other provides.

I know its harder on angel than it is on me, I've known for a while so I've sort of dealt with it in a way. Sliding out from his hold carefully I smile a little when he doesn't even stir, if it wasn't for his chest rising and falling I'd of thought he was dead.

Tiptoing to the bathroom I brush my teeth, hair and then jump in the shower quickly.

Getting dressed in black skinnys, combat boots, a dark red cami and a black leather jacket. I leave my hair to dry naturally once its brushed, quietly slipping out of the room I go downstairs.

I'd tell you every detail about the turns and different hallways I've had to go down but I can't be bothered, the pack house is a mansion. Literally.

"Good morning alpha" the cooks chorus upon seeing me enter the kitchen, I offer a smile in return and look past all the bowing.

"Morning, have any of you seen Lucinda?" I ask realising she's not in here like usual.

"Alpha steel reset the schedule, so she's off duty today" one explains politely and I sigh.

"Ok well, would one of you like to help me make breakfast for angel?" I ask hopefully and they all glance at each other wearily, they've seen how annoyed Lucinda gets with me and she never gets annoyed.

"I'll help" a voice sighs and I look towards the man.

"Great come on" I say and we get to work on preparing breakfast for angel.

After an hour of shouting, getting angry and almost ripping the cooks head off angels breakfast is ready. I'm surprised he's still asleep after all the noise I've been making.

Quickly writing out a note for angel I place it on the tray with the food, then hand the tray to the petrified cook.

"You want m-me to take it to a-alpha?" He stutters fearful.

"Why do you fear him?" I ask annoyed.

"No offence but I watched him crush your fingers and feel no remorse alpha" he says quietly and my breath stops in my throat.

"His past actions mean nothing to me, he's your alpha and my mate. If you ever say anything about him that I don't like you will regret it, he's not the only monster around here" I tell the man with ice in my voice. He looks down instantly knowing he crossed the line with thinking different about angel and then voicing them.

"Y-yes alpha" he whispers and I nod dismissing him, he takes the tray and leaves the room.

God I'm really not a people person. No matter how hard I try to be nice I always scare them. Being nice to people just isn't my thing I guess.

Grabbing angels car keys I slide into his black Audi, he hardly ever uses it. He says he prefers to live like a Lycan should, driving cars makes him seem human which he hates.

Taking off down the driveway and through the woods I tap the wheel. As I go through the territory I see wolves standing guard at the trees, they bow to me as I drive past making sure to stick to the dirt road.

A while later I pass the border and continue to follow the path, five minutes later the trees clear and I drive onto the open road. Speeding up until everything's a blur I go towards my old home.

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