chapter 42

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~ Chapter 42 ~

Alpha Bains POV

"Alpha Bain the packs and myself think that you should take another as your Luna, from what I've heard your given mate isn't exactly the best at leading" Alpha Nikola informs me.

"Unless you want a war on your hands Id advice you to keep your fucking mouth shut. My mate is my business, I will NOT be taking anyone but her as my Luna. You nor anyone else here but me understands her, she's born to lead and if you don't like her then that's fine by me. But if I ever hear you bad mouthing her again I will personally rip your throat out with my teeth" I reply, my voice ruthless and cold.

They needed to know I wasn't below them. They're all new to being an alpha compared to me. They have no idea what they're getting into, they're werewolfs. I'm a lycan. It won't take much to eliminate them.

"I understand your reaction, but she poses a threat to our kind. We don't know of her nature, her breed or if she's even trustworthy" the brave cocky young alpha speaks up again.

"Breed? She's not a fucking dog. She is MY mate. MY responsibility. If anyone poses a threat to our kind its you, your family have a reputation for betraying treaties for rogues" I could feel my anger growing, but I couldn't snap just yet.

His hands slam on the wood table furiously "you have no business in bringing up my fathers past mistakes. I'm the current alpha, im not as naive as he once was"

"No matter what any of you say, my mate is exactly that. My mate. You threaten her, you threaten me. I am tired of all you young cocky alphas thinking you know what's right, she's not the problem. You are. Your weak. Stupid. Wreckless. My mate has been in wars you've never even imagined, she's fought battles you could only read about. So before you judge her just think about the consequences, because I WILL find out if your planning anything. And I WILL wipe you out faster than you even know possible"

"You are not even mated to this woman and you feel so strongly for her. She's manipulated the strongest of us, only proving that your weak. Her past proves her strength, if used against us I fear the outcome" he reasons or tries to.

"You know nothing of her past. The only person manipulating others is you Nikola. You fear the one thing that won't happen, she's not our enemy. She is our ally and if anything was to pose a threat in the future then it won't be my mate" I reply stone cold.

"You cannot see th- "

"Nikola I have met Dakota once in my time, she is extremely wise. Strong headed. Her strength is unimaginable. But she does have a heart. She loves Alpha Bain, she knows things only the moon knows. She does what she does to keep him alive, not you, not me, not even their pack. I for one would be proud to fight with her if and when the time comes" Alpha Markus speaks up after listening to Nikolas bullshit for a while.

Markus is well respected in the werewolf world, he was left abandoned as a child forcing him to build everything he has from dirt. The strength and kindness of his pack earned him a gold badge in most peoples eyes despite the few haters, I'm glad Chloe is mated with him and not someone like Nikola.

"SHE will be the one to kill us! SHE will be downfall to us all! If we take her out now we ca-" crunch.

"WOULD ANYONE ELSE LIKE TO SPEAK UP!" I roar dropping his mushed up brain and skull onto the floor. His body slid down the wall before hitting the floor.

No reply.

"If any harm comes to my mate you will ALL be held accountable. Next subject" I growl and the meeting continued.

Today was my second day here, I have five more days here and then I leave to go back to my land. Every year a meeting of every alpha around the world is held here, those who don't show have to have a good reason or they are classed as traitors. Coming here gives me insight on others packs, it tells me of any upcoming threats or attacks.

It's been 7 week since Lana was on Knight territory and I haven't seen her since. No matter how much I try and ignore the pain it causes I find it keeping me awake at night. I begged her not to leave. I cried. And she still left.

I'm angry yes. But only because she doesn't tell me anything. I know she left for a good reason, and I can guarantee its about me living or dying. She thinks her being away makes me safer somehow.

But she's wrong.

My pack is stronger. They're warriors.

But me? I'm stronger. Faster. I'm ruthless. But I'm still in love with my mate. She will always be my weakness. But now she's gone I worry more, I spend more time searching for her then I do in my pack land.

She's extremely skilled in hiding. For 600 years I've hunted for her, only spotting her a few times. The last time I smelled her scent was when we shared contact for the first time in 600 years, i missed the feeling. I missed her.

I missed my home. She was- Is my home.

Wherever she goes...I follow.

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