Chapter 58

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~ Chapter 58 ~

Opening the bathroom door with a towel wrapped around me I headed into the closet. Even after all this time all my belongings were still here, freshly cleaned.

Sliding on black lace panties and a matching bra I look through the clothes hung up. since I'm always in jeans I might as well give him a suprise of his own.

Picking my outfit I pull it on, then simply brush my hair and leave it down. Adding some flat black boots I leave the room.

Half way down the stairs I see angel coming up them, his eyes were their icy blue that made my heart skip a beat every time I saw them.

Doing what any good person would do, I threw myself through the air at him. He seemed unfazed and for a slight second I thought I'd hit the ground. But when his arms caught me easily with swiftness only I or himself could pull of I began to grin.

"Are you trying to kill me?" He muttered scowling but I could feel his amusement. Laughing I slapped his cheek lightly.

"Nope. Just making sure your always aware" I replied, I jumped down from his grip and straightened out my short dress.

"With you around I always am" he replied smugly. I watched as his eyes shifted black, he was about to say something else when his eyes widened. I could feel his gaze travelling down my body slowly, my skin tingled and I shifted slightly. My mark heated up quickly.

"So much for not trying to kill me" he grumbled as I began walking through his mansion. I had no idea where this suprise was but I'm sure he'd tell me if I was heading in the wrong direction.

His arm slid around my waist drawing me into his side, I raised my eyebrow at his possessiveness but as soon as we turned the corner I realised why.

"Who the fuck are you?" I glared at the female. Angel didn't have many females in his pack, mostly because they caused havoc most of the time.

"This is your luna? Alpha demetri will be pleased to know, I expect the annual celebration will be held soon?" The female asked with a sly smirk, her eyes were dark and filled with envy.

"Celebration?" I chuckled coldly. She looked at me seeming slightly offended.

"That's correct" she stated.

"He won't be attending any kind of celebration of our mating, not with others anyway. We prefer to celebrate alone, as in only the two of us. That doesn't include you" I kept my face serious when really I wanted to smirk widely. I could see that she wanted my mate, she didn't approve of me.

Her eyes narrowed slightly "when I heard of other alphas hating someone they've never met I thought they were a little harsh. But meeting you..I can see that you deserved it" angel gripped her by her throat faster than she could blink.  He snarled in her face, his muscles clenched beneath his shirt and I tried my best to control myself.

"That's the difference between you, them and me. I don't give a fuck about such low and unimportant creatures such as yourself, you bore me. I'm not going to threaten you, but I am going to make you a promise" I smiled evilly at her. Her face slowly turned blue from lack of oxygen.

"The next time you cross my path I'm any way, I'm going to peel the skin from your bones. How's that sound?" I ask sweetly, angel looks at me and I nod. He drops her and steps back to wrap his arm around me.

She stand slowly coughing.

"Sounds..sounds like a plan" she wheezed out.

"Good girl" I patted her head like a dog.

"Now get the fuck off my land" angel snapped at her, she glanced at us quickly before turning and hurrying off.

"Who even is she?" I asked him as he began to lead me in a random direction.

"Alpha demitris omega. He sends her to do his job, although most of the time he doesn't inform other alphas of her presence. Almost getting her killed every time" he told me completely unfazed. I couldn't blame him. The little mutt had some serious balls for an omega, talking back to an alphas mate despite how hated she is would surely get you tortured if not killed.

"Almost isn't good enough" I replied with a cold voice. I hated that she had feelings for my mate, but soon enough her heart won't be beating to allow her any emotions.

He wrapped his arm around my lower back, his hand resting on the top of my ass. I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. He chuckled.

"I didn't think you were the jealous type" he told me, I rolled my eyes trying to pull away.

"Seeing as you are you should know that the only woman ill ever have eyes for, is you. Anybody else is simply inadequate. I'm yours, your mine" the corner of his lips curved up into a small smirk, his hand lowered to my ass as he spoke.

"You have a very dirty mind angel" I told him with a seductive smile, his thoughts on what he wanted right now were clear to me.

"Only when it comes to you" he replied. I ran my thumb across his cheek bone.

"Let his eyes rest" I told him softly, he hesitated slightly but I watch in awe as the black in his eyes lightened until they were his icy blue eyes staring down at me.

"You really are the most beautiful man alive, no wonder every female that crosses your path wants you" I sighed, he shook his head at me like I was stupid.

"Come on, I have something to show you" he grinned, he seemed..excited. and not in the dirty way. He pulled my hand and began dragging me through his mansion, and outside.

He lead me across the huge training field, which was suprisingly empty. As we moved further and further into angels land, I became more curious.

"Where are you taking me?" I groaned dropping my head backwards in annoyance.

"You'll see" he replied chuckling at my attitude. We continued for another few minutes when he suddenly stopped.

He looked his down at me smiling slightly, I could feel nerves.

"Everything you see belongs to you, feel free to do as you like with them" he told me, his eyes watched my face unmoving as he pulled me a little further.

When he slowed and continued to watch me I noticed shadows moving in the trees, some being on the floor and others being up in the air.

Growling quietly I eyed one that seemed to come closer, angel grabbed my arm stopping me from attacking.

"Watch" he told me softly, I trusted his judgment and did as he told me. My skin pickled as the bushes moved, I was tense and ready to attack any moment.

A small black fur covered head popped out, big green eyes stared at me with wonder and fear.

The trees began to move, I could hear things moving around us.

Heads began to appear from every direction, eyes watching me with caution.

My heart was thudding inside me, I was shocked to say the least.

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