Chapter 77

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"...nobody escapes. Is everyone clear on the arrangement?" I glance into the eyes of the most worthy men, those who will lead the separate groups to each stationed location.

My question is answered in nods as their eyes go over the map drawn into the mud. My brothers stand behind me as they listen, never commenting as they know I have a better map of the castle than anyone. I'm the only person to ever escape.

"You have 6 hours to prepare your chosen warriors, if you are not ready, you will die. It's that simple." I tell them with a hard and meaningful tone. From the brief glances I received from a few of the Purebloods I know they realise I'm true to my word, always. If they're not ready in 6 hours, there won't be any rescue missions. This is it, right here, right now.

"Commander, with all respect, wouldn't it be easier to attack in the day and draw them out? The sun will weaken them" Knights question made sense of course, it was a very logical tactic. However, the made king isn't stupid, everyone that has ever attacked him have done it during the day.

"That's true, but in order to defeat the enemy we must become the enemy. Attacking through the night, he won't expect. And already we will have the upper hand, but do not for one second, underestimate him. He will try and lure you in with everything he can offer, just remember that he's the one that put your people in the ground, he's the one that baths in Lycan blood" I remind them sternly.

"Go, prepare the soldiers" I nod to the purebloods. As swift as ever the many men turn and head towards their groups, more than eager to rip into some vampires in only a few short hours.

"You know those Lycan's alone can defeat the Kingdom, so why do you send in unnecessary soldiers?" The slightly hushed voice of Dominik comes from behind me, always the wise ass.

Of course he would question that.

"I didn't ask for the soldiers. She sent them to me. The way I see it is, numbers talk, especially when these numbers are by the thousands, and trained to withstand any pain, to feel nothing. There's no innocent people past those walls, and when these people swarm their streets like flies to shit, the king will have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. He will know I'm coming for him, and that is when one of us will fall" I explain to him with a strong and clear tone that easily captivates their attention.

"Must you risk your life for that vampire? He doesn't deserve it" Dominik as always tries to change my mind, he doesn't like me sticking my neck out, except this time I'm sticking my entire body out with no protection.

Turning to my brothers I see the solemn look in every set of glassy eyes I look into, but the person that I love most out of all of them, I couldn't look at him. His pain is something I never want to see, especially knowing I'm the reason. He's a part of me, as I am him. And besides my mate, he's my best friend.

"I live my life a quarter mile at a time, you do to, that's why you're my brothers. No matter where you are in this world, whether it's a quarter mile away, or half way around the world, we'll always be family. You'll always be my brothers" as I spoke the endearing words of my silent goodbye to them, I didn't meet there eyes. I could feel their pain, and that alone had me turning away, leaving my words with them.

For the next 6 hours I trained my group of soldiers, it wasn't enough time to prepare them for what's coming but it helped to built up their adrenaline. It got their hearts pumping, and their minds empty.

Mother, if you can hear me, I ask that you show Angel mercy if I fall. Give him another, before you send me back. I whisper solemnly inside my head, shutting my eyes for a brief second as I pass my message on.

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