chapter 19.

493 19 1

Angels pov

"Alpha" a pack member says looking conflicted making me smirk slightly.

She shakes her head with a vicious glint in her eyes, not enouh to say she'll hurt him but enough to scare him.

"Not out here" her voice deadly icy, his face fills with fear as he flinches.

She tackles him quickly before Punching him in the head, only hard enough to knock him out. She takes his tag before tieing it around her ankle, along with a few others.


Chuckling I push her before she can react, she squeels as she flies forwards hitting the water. I smirk crossing my arms as she resurfaces with an annoyed look. She tries to pull herself out of the water before huffing when she can't due to her clothes weighing her down.

"Please" she begs pouting with her hands out, sighing I lean down and grab her hands.

She laughs making me confused before I'm yanked towards her, cold water surrounds me instantly. Breaking up to the surface I hear her laughing, using my wolf's eyesight I watch as her eyes twinkle with all kinds of emotions. Seeing her smile instantly washes my anger away.

"Come here my big baby" she teases in a baby voice, adding to her amusement I pretend to sulk as I make my way towards her.

She laughs throwing her head back making me grin, placing my hands on her waist I gently push her up against the side of the pool.

Lanas pov

He buries his face into the crook of my neck breathing in my scent. I shiver as he breathes over my mark, my only weak spot.

Since the game of what I call hide and seek took place it's been a week. My mark has healed completely, it's just light scars where his teeth had bit me and his initials A. S. B in fancy writing. It's actually pretty if I'm honest.

"I want to take you out" he murmurs lifting his head so he can look at me.

My insides turn skittish at his words, "like a date?" I ask nervously while chewing my lip.

His lips twitch slightly "yeah" he says, I smile brightly.

"I guess I can work something out" I grin, he smirks at me but I can tell my acceptance made him happy.

"You guess?" He says raising his eyebrow, his eyes twinkle with amusement.

Rolling my eyes I wrap my arms around the back of his head pulling him closer.

"Uh huh" I murmur before pressing his lips to mine, he responds immediately by pulling me closer, his lips moving in perfect sync with mine.

His lips taste of oreos making me groan slightly as my stomach rumbles with hunger.

He slowly pulls away giving me a small kiss before chuckling at my pout.

"You should have said you were hungry" he says amused.

Looking down sulking I cross my arms "I wasn't until I tasted oreos" I grumble with an accusing tone.

I yelp as I'm lifted into the air, my butt being placed on the side of the pool. Smiling thankfully I stand up before pulling my baggy and now wet jumper off. Placing it on a chair I slide my jeans off which leaves me in my panties and matching bra. That's not the embarrassing part, no. The embarrassing part is it has 'squeeze me, I don't bite' printed across them in black bold writing.

At the time I thought they were funny but now, not so much.

Deep laughter makes me jump out of my distracted state, looking at the person accusingly I shiver.

"Here" he chuckles passing me his big t-shirt from earlier. Throwing him a thankful smile I quickly pull it on, feeling slightly warmer.

"Nobody gets to see you like that but me" he states possessively, his arms wrap around me making me smile.

"If your aloud your shirt off then so am i" I state smugly, I wouldn't actually let anyone but him see me even half naked but he doesn't need to know that.

"If that's what it takes" he shrugs before pulling on a spare top, his body hiding underneath.

I sigh sadly hearing him chuckle in return.

"Let's go get you warmed up before you freeze to death" he teases lifting me into his arms, instead of fighting him I wrap my arms around his neck and cuddle into his neck.


Yawning I open my eyes slightly as my hair moves. Looking up I see angel leant on one arm while using his other to play with my hair. He has a peaceful look on his face, his eyes black so he can see me.

"Afternoon sleepy head" his voice deep and rough, with softness coating his tone.

Throwing him a small smile I jump away from him quickly and run to the bathroom. Brushing my teeth thoroughly I enter the bedroom again.

Jumping on the bed I lean up against the head board lazily, he stays layed down below me.

He smiles slightly as he looks up at me "Don't you have pack word to do?" I murmur running one hand through his hair, soft and around 3 inches maybe a little bit more.

His eyes close as he leans his head on the palm of his hands.

"I'm spending today with you" he says shrugging slightly.

My hand pauses for a second before I carry on, excitement bubbling inside me.

"The full day?" I ask slightly suprised yet happy.

He grins opening his eyes "Uh huh" he says.

Smiling brightly "awesome" I say not knowing what else to say.

We stay in bed a little longer before we both get showered and dressed, separate of course.

We walk through the huge mansion, I feel slightly uncomfortable and out of place here. I'm supposed to feel at home now I'm with my mate, yet something is still stopping me. I have no more secrets, but does he?

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