chapter 52

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~ chapter 52 ~

"Sorry to bother you Luna but Alpha Bain requested me to visit you, is there anything you need?" A woman I'd never seen before asked softly after she knocked and came in.

I scoffed and chewed my bottom lip angrily.

"Tell steel if he's not too busy then his mate would like to see him, but make it clear he doesn't have to rush and leave his important business" I replied.

"Of course Luna, is there anything else?" She smiled.

"No" my reply was simple, and she got the message as she turned and left shut the door behind her gently.

My mind was all over the place. My mate needed me, his pack needed to be trained, we needed alliances, I needed control of my limbs, we had a damn war on the way and we weren't ready.

Hours past by, maids came up every hour to see if I needed anything. The toilet, a bath, clean clothes, to go outside, to eat, to drink and anything else that could be asked.

I denied everything they offered, repeating the same thing I told the first maid.

I was ready to accept the way I am, but having angel against me set me back.

When the door opened for the 8th time and counting I refused to even open my eyes.

"Lana?" His voice made my insides flutter and I opened my eyes to look at him.

"What took you so long?" I asked taking in his gorgeous features, his eyes were ice blue and he had a light layer of sweat covering his skin.

"I was training the pack, they're not perfect yet but they can hold their own against me for a while" he tells me kneeling by my side. His hand brushed hair from my face and stroked my cheek lightly, I smiled up at him.

"I'm sorry" I tell him in my most sincere voice, and I meant it.

He signed "your not the only one who's been angry, I just..I want to give you the world but something always stops us. Hunters, our past, the moon, a war..its never ending" he replied softly and I looked up at him.

"I know but we'll get through this together, ready to accept this..if you are" I was nervous, I didn't want to leave him.

"Don't let the moon claim you" was his reply and I knew he was with me. He grabbed my hand in his and although I couldn't feel it I knew he was holding on tight.

There was no magical ritual or sayings, I simply had to submit my body, soul and mind completely.

Darkness dotted my vision and blinded me, my body felt light as if I was floating. I could feel pressure on my hand but angel wasn't here with me, I couldn't move but I could feel.

"Is he worth dying for?" A light airy voice whispered through the dark. I was calm because I knew who it was, I knew what this place was.

"I accept my punishment, I submit. Angel is worth every bit of pain I've been through and more, he's my soul mate" I whispered back honestly.

She let out a humming sound like she was thinking it through.

"Would you accept his pain as your own?" She asked in the same wondrous voice.

"Always" I replied.

"I will allow you to be free again. Your power and gifts will be restored as will your other titles" she tells me after what felt like forever.

Emotions ran through me like a hurricane but I knew it wasn't over yet.

"What's the catch?" I asked quietly.

"Wise, very wise indeed. The pain and pressure your soul mate has felt since the moment he met you will be drained from him, and you will carry it for him. If you survive, you live as I said but if you die your soul belongs to me"

"Do you accept?" She asked, her voice almost taunting.

"You offer me something far better than I'd thought possible, death is my life" I said slightly amused.

"I accept your offer"

"I give you this offer because I have never seen such love and humanity in two beings, especially those who hold so much power. You think leaving is protecting him but it weakens him. It weakens both of you. Stay together and you both shall survive"

Her voice faded and a blinding white light hit my chest, I gasped loudly as it pierced my heart. My body was launched backwards through the air and the darkness disappeared.

My eyes snapped open and a scream tore its way up my throat and out my mouth, my body arched from the bed as a blast of energy came from me. Angel flew against the room slamming into the wall, his head smacked the floor harshly but he still attempted to make his way towards me.

He was shouting something but I couldn't hear him for the sound of my own ear piercing screams. A barrier was blocking him from getting to me, and I noticed that the more he seemed to look at me in pain the more my body reacted.

My skin slowly tore apart leaving only millimetres of untouched skin healed before anther huge deep gash its place. A heat I'd never felt before lit my body on fire, my insides burned like acid being poured on raw flesh.

It was my heart and head that most the most, I was seeing everything that'd ever hurt him. I was seeing every conflict inside his mind, every decision.

I continued to unintentionally let out cries of pain for a while, i wasn't sure how much time had passed before the pain seemed to slowly fade.

His voice became an echo but I couldn't breath, the air was taken from my lungs with the pain. Dark spots clouded my vision but I refused to die, I blinked them away and forced myself to breath.

After minutes of pure torture I felt more or less fine, I was weak and tired but I was alive.

The room seemed to fade away along with any noise as I looked around, I didn't feel empty anymore. I could see the smallest of detail in anything I looked at, I could hear the sounds of heartbeats throughout angels mansion, even across his miles of land. I could smell scents from every angle.

But most importantly I could finally smell my mate. I could feel the bond between us, stronger than ever and twisting as he watched me. I could feel the tingles surrounding my body and settling on my skin with his presence. I could feel my body humming with delight under his eyes.

And it was magical.

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