Salt (Harry Potter) *OC/OC*

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Fandom: Harry Potter.
Pairing: OC (Freya Cotton)/OC (Arlen Lennox).
Side story to "Remedial Lessons".

"You never let me cook for you." Freya pouted delicate lips at her boyfriend.

"That's because in three years, I've never seen you make anything other than an omelette."

"Because other things are boring. Omelettes are fun - you can put whatever you want in them!"

No kidding. Knox had seen his dippy girlfriend put some very questionable things into that frying pan, along with the usual mix of runny eggs. He still couldn't quite get his head around the infamous attempt she'd made at a salmon and sweet corn omelette. Personally, he didn't get the deal with omelettes, no matter how normal or crazy the fillings were. He wasn't an egg guy. Give him a meaty kind of fry-up any day.

"Are you sure you don't want me to make you one?" Freya pressed. "I'll put anything you like in it. Even bacon."

Wow, she must have been insistent. Though she didn't mind him eating as much meat as he wanted, she refused to cook any herself. She didn't like the smell. As for Knox, he didn't get that one bit. Frying bacon was quite literally the best smell in the world. He might have almost been tempted by the offer, but still...

"No eggs." He shook his head. "Unless you're making cake?" he tagged on hopefully.

Freya made a face. "I can't make cake. I always burn it."

Knox couldn't say he was surprised by that. He still reckoned part of Freya's omelette obsession was that she wasn't trusted to use anything other than the frying pan. She had a reputation for being a klutz. "Too bad. Sweet things always win over savoury."

Freya pondered the idea for a while. "I could try and make pancakes? I guess that would be fun... I could use lemon and sugar. Or some kind of syrup. Maybe chocolate..."

She didn't even wait for Knox's opinion on the idea. She drifted back into the kitchen and started pulling things out of the fridge and cupboard. Knox smiled to himself. She was like a drifting dandelion seed - put an idea in her head and she'd just follow it absently, dreamily. Well, if it got her off the whole one-trick-wonder deal with the omelettes, then it'd be a good thing. And there was a chance he'd get pancakes out of it. It was definitely a win-win.

Though he didn't feel quite the same when, after Freya had pottered about adding as many interesting flavours to the cooking pancakes as she could find, he took his first bite. It was all he could do not to gag and spit it back onto the plate in front of him. Something was wrong and he wasn't even sure if it was due to Freya's tendency to create unusual combinations.

"Err... What exactly did you add to the pancake mix?" he managed to ask around the mouthful that he was struggling to force himself to swallow.

"Um, cream, chocolate drops, sugar, some maple syrup..."

Ah. Sugar. The realisation hit Knox like a club over the head, as he remembered what day it was. The first thing he'd done that morning was swap the contents of the salt shaker with sugar and fill the sugar pot with salt. It had been intended as a joke, but he'd completely forgotten about it. Now the joke was on him. April Fool's, everybody.

"Is it bad?" Freya asked concernedly.

"Not at all," said Knox, chuckling to himself over his own idiocy. "Let's call it my just desserts."

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