A Moment in Time (Witch Hunter Robin) *Sakaki/OC*

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Fandom: Witch Hunter Robin.
Pairing: Haruto Sakaki/OC (Ryou Kazuya).
Side story to "In Too Deep".

The explosion came so suddenly and so strongly that the blast knocked Haruto off his feet. He hit the ground hard, his ears ringing and feeling like his eyebrows had been singed off from the wave of heat. But he was alive. A self destructing witch certainly caused a lot of damage, but at least their target was now gone. Blown to a million pieces by her own power.

Haruto staggered to his feet just as Ryou came running through the smoke in a panic. "Haruto! Haruto, are you okay?"

"I'm alright," he winced, rubbing the side of his pelvis where he'd landed awkwardly.

The next thing he knew, Ryou had suddenly thrown her arms around him, knocking the wind out of him, but not because she'd hugged him too hard. "I was so scared. You were so close to her - I thought the blast might have... Are you sure you're okay?"

Haruto was dazed. Ryou never let her guard down around anyone. She'd kept him at arm's length since day one, no matter how much he'd tried to get closer to her. He knew she'd been hurt before, but he'd still kept trying. Now here she was, letting all of her defences down, admitting she was worried about him, even breaching that no contact rule she always seemed to keep up.

"I'm fine." He slowly put his arms around her, but she was already pulling away from him. It was too soon. He wanted to keep that moment frozen in time for just a while longer.

Except she didn't pull away completely. Just enough to look up into his eyes. Haruto was surprised to see that her own were streaked not only with dirt from the explosion, but tears too. Then, surprising him even more, she reached up to place her hands against the sides of his face and pulled him down to press her lips against his. She was kissing him. Somewhere in the back of Haruto's mind registered shock at the idea, but it was hastily quashed completely as he kissed her back eagerly.

She pulled at his sleeves and his collar and he realised she was trying to take his jacket off. She broke away just long enough to breathe, "The van. Let's go to the van."

Haruto didn't need encouraging. In a flurry of kisses, tearing of clothes and stumbling their way up the slope in their distraction, they made it to the STN-J van they'd left away from the action, hidden amongst a small thicket of trees and bushes. Ryou kissed, licked and even nipped a hot line down Haruto's neck whilst he fumbled with the keys to get the van open, almost dropping them from trembling fingers.

They half climbed, half fell into the back seat in one big heap. Ryou paused only to pull the door closed behind them before returning to explore the inside of Haruto's mouth with lips and tongue. They kissed long, hot and heavy until they were both sweating, the tinted windows beginning to steam up, and Haruto felt short of breath. The remainder of the clothes began to come off. His jacket had already been lost somewhere out on the hill.

Only most of the clothing made it off. Socks, bra and Haruto's second holster were left as they were pressed to continue onto more urgent things. Haruto's ears were still ringing, but for a different reason now. The pain in his hip had vanished. He pressed Ryou down onto the seat as he lay on top of her, sweat mingling together. She wrapped her arms around his neck, then her legs around his waist and he didn't need to be guided.

He changed his position just slightly until his shaft found her warm, wet opening. He kissed her lips one more time, then plunged himself deep inside her in one sharp thrust. A gasp escaped Ryou's throat as she obligingly arched up underneath him, giving him better access. He pulled back slowly until only the tip of him was sheaved inside her, then threw his body into her again. This time, her gasp became a groan and he matched it with his own.

"Not so slow," she begged between breaths. "Just keep going."

Haruto did as she said, slamming back into her with a force that had them both crying out. He continued to slide in and out, working his hips as his pace grew faster and harder, pounding Ryou back into the seat. Her cries grew louder, his growing more ragged as the pressure continued to build and build. Without warning, his next thrust tipped them over the edge of their crescendo and into oblivion.

Stars burst across Haruto's vision. His eyes actually rolled back in his head, deep in the throes of pleasure, as he cried out, Ryou screaming underneath him. The waves of sensation continued to rock them, every single nerve ending alight with fire. His mind had never been so clear. It was like he could see twelve different shades of red in Ryou's hair. Never before had he felt so alive. He'd been wrong. This was the moment he wanted to keep frozen in time.

"What are you thinking?" Ryou whispered, her moans dissipating to shallow gasps as the pleasure regrettably subsided.

"Just that I don't want this to end," Haruto admitted, still deep inside her.

Ryou lifted herself up on her elbows so that he brushed against one of those sensitive spots, pleasure beginning to spark once again. She brushed Haruto's damp hair away from his face and kissed him hard. "Then it won't."

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