Surgery (Clannad) *Youhei/OC*

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Fandom: Clannad.
Pairing: Youhei Sunohara/OC (Tori Toboe).
Side story to "The Lost Chapter".

Tori sat in the doctor's surgery in the seat closest to the exit, gazing meekly at the floor in front of her. What she really wanted to do was huddle in the corner and hug her knees until they took pity on her and sent her away. But she knew that she had to have her vaccination done, no matter how much she didn't want to. She knew too that they didn't even hurt that much - it was just a fear ingrained into her from childhood. She really hated this place.

If only she had someone to sit with, then she might have felt a little better. She wished miserably that she'd been braver last night and had asked Youhei to come with her. She'd hinted at it. She'd casually slipped in that she hated going to the doctor's surgery and had even asked what he'd be doing that morning. But his parents were sending over his old TV set and game console, as he'd requested, so his attention and time were already going to be occupied. She could probably have made her suggestion clearer, but then that would mean admitting that she was afraid. She didn't like doing that.

The doctor stuck his head out of the door and called the next patient in. Tori winced. The check-in screen had told her that there were two patients in line to be seen before her. Only one more and then it was her turn. Even though she knew her fears were unfounded, her stomach turned unpleasantly and, even worse, she could feel her eyes growing hot. She willed herself to calm down. She could not sit here and cry. That really would be ridiculous.

The little bell over the front doors tinkled as they opened. Another patient came in and flopped into the chair besides Tori, much to her dismay. She could think of nothing to do but close her eyes to hide how glassy they really were. But then her new neighbour took her hand. She opened her eyes and looked round in surprise. Stunning her even more, she saw that it was Youhei.

"What are you doing here? I thought you'd be playing your games."

He squeezed her hand reassuringly. "I thought maybe you could use the support."

Tori didn't understand. How could he have known? She hadn't been brave enough to tell him. "But I didn't say that."

"I know," said Youhei. "But you did say that you hated going to the doctors. And I realised afterwards that it must have been a big deal, because that's the first time I've ever heard you say you hate anything."

Tori stared at him in amazement. She really hadn't needed to tell him at all - he knew her well enough to understand anyway. Youhei had a bad rep for being insensitive, but people didn't realise that it actually wasn't true. He could be sweet when he wanted to be and, even though she often thought otherwise herself, he really did listen. Particularly when it mattered.

"Thank you," she smiled, squeezing his hand back and leaning into him. Suddenly, even the doctor's surgery didn't seem so scary with him there with her.

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