Dealing (Gravitation) *Ryuichi/OC*

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Fandom: Gravitation.
Pairing: Ryuichi Sakuma/OC (Mica Suzuki).
Side story to "Sugar Rush".

"Hey, Micaaa, I brought us ice cream!" Ryuichi announced brightly, swinging the shopping bag as he barged into the apartment. "Now which do you want; chunky chocolate chip or-"

He stopped abruptly when he noticed Mica sitting huddled up on the floor with his back to the wall, his face hidden by his knees and his fingers clutching his head. There wasn't a lot that surprised Ryuichi and even less that could bring him out of one of his hyperactive moods, but seeing his boyfriend clearly in pain did it in an instant. He dropped the bag and rushed to Mica's side, dropping down beside him.

"Mica! Mica, what's wrong?"

For several long moments, Ryuichi thought he wasn't going to answer, but then he finally said, "My dad found out... About me. About us."

Ryuichi knew that wasn't going to mean anything good. He knew what Mica's dad was like. But maybe, just maybe, there was something hopeful he could latch onto. "What did he say to you?" When Mica didn't say anything, he grabbed his shoulders gently. "Mica, tell me."

Mica needed the time to compose himself again before mumbling into his knees, "He said I was a disgrace. To him... To the family. He said I was disgusting. That it was wrong. That I was a puff, a fag, a freak. He said I'm no son of his and he told me to never go back."

Ryuichi stared at him. Mica's dad had said every worst possible thing in the book. It was awful. How could Mica ever come entirely back from that when his own father had said such horrible things to him? Ryuichi had always held out hope that there'd be more to Mica's father than what met the eye and that he'd come through for him when he needed it. He was wrong. He'd been far too optimistic. But that didn't mean that Mica didn't have other people to come through for him.

His fingers trembled around Mica's shoulders as he fought not to dig them in harder. He wanted to make sure he had his full attention, but he didn't want to hurt him. Especially not more than he already was. Instead, Ryuichi gave him a gentle but firm shake, forcing him to look up. His tanned face was streaked with tears, a strand of hair clinging to the wetness on his cheek. Ryuichi felt his heart break just looking at him.

"He doesn't know anything, Mica," he insisted. "He's just prejudiced. Don't listen to any of it - nothing he said is true. You're perfect just the way you are."

Mica gazed back at him through wet eyes. If it had been anybody else, being told he was perfect just the way he was after what he'd just heard from his own father would have been meaningless. Like something that somebody told you out of obligation to make you feel better, even though you both knew it wasn't true. But not from Ryuichi. He was the most sincere person Mica had ever met. If he said something, then he meant it. That was more important to Mica than the words he'd actually said.

Mica loved Ryuichi and he realised in that moment that it was the only thing that mattered. What difference did gender really make? It was the person that counted. It didn't matter that Ryuichi was male, just like he was. If his father truly thought that loving someone who was kind, funny, talented and the most important person in his life was something disgusting and wrong, then what did his father really know? Nothing. His words meant nothing. And Mica was going to make sure that his father, Ryuichi and the rest of the world knew that.

Pausing only to brush the tears from his face with the back of his hand, he pushed himself up onto his knees and onto Ryuichi, closing the gap between their lips with more force than he'd intended. Ryuichi responded readily, his mouth moving with Mica's, losing his hands in the waves of that long hair, which had already began to fall loose from the thick braid it was usually woven in. Ryuichi's fingers managed to locate and untie the purple ribbon, letting the rest of it fall free.

Mica pulled Ryuichi up with him as he stood, dragging him across the room in a flurry of kisses and caressing hands. They ended up pressed up against the wide window that stretched along the entire length of the room. The window that looked down onto the bustling city below, which was usually hidden behind drapes, because Ryuichi's fame made it a target for paparazzi and local fan girls. Mica had always shied away from that limelight before. He'd told himself it was due to shyness, but maybe it had always been something else... Not anymore though. He was ready to embrace everything he was if it meant fully loving the man he was currently entangled with.

Ryuichi recognised the change - Mica had certainly never been one for voyeurism - and for the second time that night, he found himself caught up in surprise. "What are you doing?" he managed to breathe against Mica's lips in between kisses.

Mica responded by pulling away only slightly and sliding a hand down the front of Ryuichi's jeans. With a deft movement of the fingers of his free hand, the singer's fly was loosened. Mica smiled into the eyes of the man he loved, completely regardless of gender, and then with a sharp tug, he pulled both jeans and boxers down to his knees so that the full length of Ryuichi spilled free, hard and ready.

Mica kissed his way down Ryuichi's stomach as he knelt before him, leaving trails of saliva against his skin as he became breathier, stopping just as he reached the base of his shaft. Maybe gender did matter, after all. He certainly wouldn't have been able to do this the same way with any girl. And he really did enjoy doing this.

"Mica..." Ryuichi groaned, half a reminder that he hadn't answered his question, half an urge to continue.

Mica slipped his hands around Ryuichi's hips to slide across the smooth curves of his ass. He dipped his head to place an out-of-place, light kiss against Ryuichi's hard and throbbing length. "I'm dealing."

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