Light (Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle) *Fai/OC*

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Fandom: Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle.
Pairing: Fai Flourite/OC (Viola Brady).
Side story to "Welcome Home".

It was like the group had jumped from morning to night time as they landed in the next world. The sky was pitch black and dotted with stars. There were no street lights or houses nearby, but instead, the area was lit partially by strange glowing orbs that hovered and bounced around in the air like large fireflies.

"Geez. Anyone else feel like we're in the Stone Age?" Kurogane muttered.

"Well, Yuko did say this was called the World of Night," Syaoran pointed out.

"It's scary!" Mokona objected, jumping up into Sakura's arms and hiding his face. "Mokona doesn't like the dark."

"Come on, we'll see if we can find somewhere with more light," Sakura said sympathetically.

Fai hung back, automatically extending a hand to help Viola to her feet, who had crash landed yet again. It seemed that no matter how many times they jumped worlds, she just couldn't get used to that abrupt shift in time and space. She was still sat on the floor, watching the floating lights in awe, completely unaware of the others, until Fai gave her his hand.

"Personally, I think it's beautiful," he commented, pulling her to her feet. One of the orbs came to hover between them. "The lights against the dark... It's a wonderful contrast."

"It really is," Viola agreed, though she wasn't watching the lights; she was admiring how the glow of the orbs illuminated the smile on Fai's face.

There really was something wonderful to be said about lights in the dark. Although he probably didn't know it, Fai had been her light for a long time now. She was sure his smile could chase away any darkness in her life.

That same glowing smile still in place, Fai said, "Let's catch up with the others."

Barely aware of anything other than the fact that his slender fingers were still wrapped around hers, Viola smiled through her response. "Let's."

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