Print (Gotham) *Nygma/OC*

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Fandom: Gotham.
Pairing: Edward Nygma/OC (Sadie Castle).

Considering it was a police station, nobody within the GCPB paid much mind to whom was coming in and out of the main building. Either that or they believed that Sadie's motives for sticking around were innocent enough. If that was the case, then they were very wrong.

She found Ed filing paperwork in the back office. As she moved into the room, she realised there was something strange about his suit. From a distance, it had looked normal, grey, plain. But as he turned back and forth from the filing cabinet, the movement revealed a fine green print that covered every line of the fabric - a pattern of perfect question marks, the colour of fresh olives.

Sadie wasn't sure if it was due to the glare from the light fitting, the angle at which he turned or even just the particular crease of how the suit fit over his tall, slender frame, but one moment, the print was there and the next, it wasn't. She was familiar with how optical illusions worked, but she hadn't been aware that materials could play tricks on your eyes too.

When Ed realised that she was there, watching him, he could see that it wasn't his face she was looking at. His odd smile lit up his face. "Isn't it unusual? Is it there; is it not there? The suit itself is like one giant question mark."

He always found such delight from the tiniest, most insignificant of things. Sadie had never understood that. "Yes, most unusual," she played along.

Ed could hear the flatness in her tone. His expression dimmed somewhat. "You don't like it." He made it more of a fact than a question. That proved he was unhappy. Ed loved questions. His bizarre suit was evident of that.

Ed was an odd person. For someone who was of no interest to most around him, he cared far too much what others thought. He was your typical doormat. Pushed around by everyone, underappreciated in work, love, life... Sadie could see the potential in him though. That was why she made sure she kept him carefully manipulated so that he was on her side.

"Now you're just assuming," she said, in a tone that was at some dangerous point between sweet and husky.

She stepped in closer to him and lightly, but deliberately, traced a hand along the pattern that was still flashing seen and unseen under the light, up his arm and across his shoulder. She could feel that he was tensing up. He never knew how to handle her when she acted like this. He was so used to having his advances spurned from the file girl that he still pined after, so he didn't know how to react when they came at him so strongly from the opposite side. Ed was a man who had confused many people and not just with his riddles. Sadie loved that she could confuse him even more.

She could read people well. She knew that, in spite of Ed's usual kicked puppy persona, there was something infinitely darker lying in wait inside him. She'd seen it. She could see past the odd quirks, past the broken personality and see that there was a very different side to Edward Nygma. That was the side that she wanted under her control. When you were making a power play for the entire city, you couldn't underestimate the potential of a psychopath in the making.

"It's very unique," she breathed across his lips. "Just like you."

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