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I've been hitting some major writing slumps with my main stories lately, so I figured I'd try my hand at some short pieces to hopefully get my creative juices flowing again. I've never been very good at writing anything that isn't excessively long, so I'm hoping to change that!

These pieces are what you'd call drabbles or flash fiction, intended to be based upon short bursts of creativity. The themes used here are all from lists of writing prompts found online. They're all picked at random, using a random choice generator on Google - I used the generator to narrow down three writing prompts for each couple that I usually work with, then either picked one of the three myself or put them to a vote via polls on my deviantART page (if you follow me on there, then you'll no doubt already be getting fed up of these polls!)

Each flash fiction included here will be between one to two pages in length. Most works will be of the OCxCanon variety, as I'm sure you'll know is my preference when it comes to fanfiction.

I am actually offering these as commissions for anyone on deviantART, though I may be able to work out some other arrangement for people who only have Wattpad accounts. Go check out my page on there for more details if you're interested in me doing a writing piece like this for you. I have rules, but I promise I don't bite! (You can find the prices and main basis for the rules in my commission widget, underneath the Literary Commission - Flash Fiction section).

My primary rules are:
-I can only write for fandoms I'm familiar with (that's not necessarily just the ones I have listed on my profile. Hit me with some suggestions and I can tell you which I would or wouldn't be able to write for).
-Give me new characters to work with. This is for practice benefits mostly, so I want to branch away from the characters I usually write about.
-No OCs that are based on yourselves or existing characters. I find this a very lazy way to get out of designing original characters.
-I don't do reader inserts.

Of course if you have any theme suggestions for any of the existing couples that I already write about, I'll happily take those as free requests if I like the sound of your idea ;)

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