Mint (The Flash) *Cisco/OC*

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Fandom: The Flash.
Pairing: Cisco Ramon/OC (Marianne Myrrh).
Side story to "Good Vibrations".

"What can I smell?"

Merry raised her eyebrows. "Excuse me?"

Cisco laughed. "It's not bad. It actually smells really good. Like toffee and mint."

"Oh." Merry put her feet down from where she'd been resting them on the workstation and pushed her chair over to pick up one of the many wrappers she'd cast across it. "They're Murray Mints."

Cisco took the green and clear cellophane wrapper and inspected it. "Is this another one of your weird British things?"

"British sweets are the best actually," Merry contested. "I'd have let you try one to prove it, but I already finished the pack."

"That's too bad. I can't accept your claim without solid proof," Cisco teased.

"Hmm. I can think of one other way to give you a taste test," Merry said innocently, wheeling her chair just a little closer to him and pulling pointedly on the lapels of his jacket. She didn't care that it was a total cliché.

Apparently, Cisco didn't either. He grinned when he realised what she meant, placing his hands on the arms of her chair and obligingly leaning down so that he could kiss her. Her lips moved eagerly against his, her hands sliding down to clutch at his arms. The taste of mint mixed with caramel was only faint, but it was certainly sweet enough. Though that probably had nothing to do with the candy.

"You're right; I think I like Murray Mints," he admitted when she pulled away.

Merry smiled coyly. "I told you."

"Though I'm not sure if it was more because of the sharing is caring approach..." Cisco pondered deliberately. "We may have to get some of those bad boys imported so I can be certain."

"Better yet, I have some more back at the hotel," Merry revealed. "Which I suppose I could have given you first, but that wouldn't have been half as fun, would it?"

Cisco grinned and kissed her again. "Definitely not."

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