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Seokmin's POV

I was a little surprised when (y/n) said she didn't want to go to dinner with us. Usually if there's food, there's (y/n). It wasn't the same without her. I hope it wasn't because of me. After dinner, we went home to a quiet house. (Y/n) was probably still in her room working of school work. (Y/n)'s mom just knocked on her door and said that we were home. While getting ready for bed, I went and took a shower, then sat up in my bed with my laptop, video chatting with my friend Soonyoung.

"So, how are you and (y/n)?" He asked. I smiled and laughed.

"What do you mean?"

"Yah, don't be like that. I know you like her. You only talk about her so much." He wigged his eyebrows. I sighed, a grin still on my face.

"I don't know. I don't even know if she likes me." Soonyoung made a face.

"Oh come on! Who wouldn't like you? You're so cool and charismatic." He gave me a thumbs up and I laughed.

"Thanks. But I think she thought that I liked her friend Sophia, remember me talking about her?"

"Oh yeah, maybe that's why she hasn't confessed to you yet. Well did you tell her you don't like her like that?"

"I did, we talked about it earlier. She asked me if I liked Sophia."

"What? She asked you?! That means that she likes you! She wanted to know if you liked anyone so she could decide on whether or not she should pursue her true feelings for you."

"Yah! Stop making it seem like she likes me. There's a chance that she doesn't." I mumbled.

"Well you like (y/n), don't you?"

"Well, um, yeah." I said quietly, my face getting hot.

"Well go in there and tell her, right now! Now! Go!" He yelled.

"What? R-right now?"

"Yeah! What could go wrong?"

"A lot of things. She could reject my feelings and things could be awkward between us. We still have to live together."

"Okay that was a rhetorical question, but what I'm saying is, just go and tell her before you chicken out." He gave me a look and I sighed.

"You know what? You're right! I'm gonna do it right now!"

"That's the spirit! Look, I have to go now, so call me later and let me know what she says, okay?"


After we hung up, I stood and and straightened out my clothes. I took a deep breath then opened my door. I peaked out into the hallway then slowly walked to (y/n)'s room. I looked at her door for a second. I slowly raised my fist and knocked on her door. I waited a second, but heard nothing. I knocked again, but still no answer. I didn't want to just barge in, but I really needed to get this off my chest. I slowly opened her door and peaked my head in.

"(Y/n)?" I called. I looked at her desk, then her bed, but she wasn't in her room. I thought maybe she was in the bathroom or downstairs. I check the bathroom, but she wasn't there, so I started walking down the stairs. "(Y/n)?" I called again. She wasn't in the living room, or the kitchen. "Where is she?" I walked through the dining room and saw a paper on the table. "Was this here before?" I picked it up and saw it was an envelope with my name on the other side. I opened it and took a letter out.

"Dear Seokmin, by the time you read this letter, I will be long gone and far away from here. I know you like Sophia and I can't bear that fact. I really like you Seokmin, but I know that we can never be together. With this whole situation plus everything else that's been going on, I just can't take it anymore. I've been so stressed out and every time I see you, my heart can't take it. I want you to be happy with Sophia or even Mae since she really likes you. I was wrong to just attack her. I know it might not seem like I like Mae, but she can be really good. All those times she's ever been mean to me, it was my fault anyway because I was provoking her. You should really consider giving her a chance. Anyway, please don't worry about me, I'm okay. I just want you to know how I felt. Don't try to come looking for me. You won't be able to find me. Please tell my parents that I left and that I'm fine. I may come back some day, but for now, this is goodbye." I shook my head.

"No, n-no! (Y/n), what the hell were you thinking?! Where did you go?!" I felt myself on the verge of tears and I crushed the letter in my hand.

"How could you just leave?" I whispered. My first instinct was to go to her parents.

"I-it was you. The boy was you! Who she was fighting over!" Her mom yelled. "You drove my daughter out of this house!" Her mom started hitting me and her dad had to hold her back.

"I'm sorry, I had no idea. I didn't kn-"

"Forget it, we have to find her! Stay here in case she comes back. We'll go to the police station and file a missing person's report." Her mom said.

"We can't. They won't do anything until she's been gone for 24 hours." Her dad said.

"How can you be so calm about this? Our daughter just ran away because of that delinquent!"

"Honey, calm down. Seokmin, go on upstairs. Don't take it personally, she's just angry."

I hung my head down and went to my room. I sat down at my desk and rubbed my face. I remembered that I stuffed the letter in the pocket of my hoodie and I took it out. I read it over and over. The more I read it, the more it didn't make any sense. Why would she say that she knows I like Sophia? We talked about it earlier and I said I didn't, or maybe she didn't believe me. But most of all, why would she consider me dating Mae? That just gave me the chills. It just didn't add up. But then I suddenly got it. How could I be so blind? (Y/n) didn't leave on purpose, it was Mae.

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