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"Kids, breakfast!" You heard your mom call. You were wide awake, laying on your side, watching the dust particles float around in the sun rays peaking through your window. You meant to get up, but you didn't. "(Y/n)! Are you coming to eat or what?" She yelled again a few minutes later. You slowly got up and walked downstairs. Your emotionless face fueled your dark aura which seemed to soak into the people around you. 

"(Y/n), are you okay?" Your dad asked. You didn't do or say anything and held a peice of pancake up to your slightly parted lips, eyes drooping. "Hey." He snapped his fingers in front of your face and you looked at him. "You seem really out of it." He said. 

"I'm fine." You mumbled. 

"Are you sure? You've been like this for weeks, ever since Seokmin got out of the hospital." Your mom added. Seokmin looked at you. 

"I know you were probably scared at that time, but I'm okay now, really." He rubbed your shoulder and you looked back at him. You felt your eyes start to water and you tried to blink them away. You shrugged Seokmin's hand off of you and got up. 

"I'm sorry mom, I'm not hungry." You went back to your room and no one tried to stop you. "Sophia, I don't know what to do." You said over the phone. She was the only one who knew about you and Seokmin. You thought she would be mad because you thought she liked him, but she cleared up that she didn't and she was trying to hook you both up all along. 

"I know it's hard (y/n), but I can't give you any advice, I've never been in a situation like this. All I can say is listen to your heart." 


"Okay fine, let me ask this, do you love Seokmin?" 

"Yes." You mumbled. 

"Well you know that phrase 'if you love something set it free, and if it comes back it's meant to be' right?" 


"Well think of it like that. If you love him, you'll let him leave without the heart ache and confusion. If he never remembers, it wasn't meant to be." She said. 

"I guess so." 

"Hey, don't stress about it. I know how you feel about him, but first loves don't last forever. Look, I gotta go. Sorry I can't do much for you." 

"It's fine, thanks anyway. Bye." Once you hung up, you tossed your phone next to you and you laid down, closing your eyes. You heard your door open but didn't bother opening your eyes. 


"What, Seokmin?" You mumbled. He came in and sat next to you. 

"Are you really okay? You haven't been yourself at all lately. I mean, we used to have so much fun together. Going to the movies, getting ice cream, but you've been very distant. You don't even look at me anymore. Did I do something?" He sounded hurt and it broke your heart. 

"No." You said, your eyes still closed. You could already feel the tears behind your eyelids ans if you opened them, they would spill out. He sighed. 

"Please tell me. Maybe I can help." 

"You can't." 

"Well why no-" Your eye shot open and you sat up. 

"Seokmin please! I-I just can't tell you. You have no idea how hard this is for me but I just really need you to not worry about me! There's nothing you can do." He seemed surprised by your sudden outburst. 

"So just leave it alone." You whispered. 

"Please. I'm sorry." 

He listened. He didn't ask about it anymore, but you knew he still worried. Before you knew it, his time as a foreign exchange student was up and he was returning to Korea in less than 4 hours. You didn't expect to spend his last days here barely talking. Seokmin finished packing his bags and you all went to take him to the airport. You were quiet until you reached the security check point. 

"Alright, this is far as we can go." Your dad said. 

"Come here son." You couldn't watch your parents say goodbye to Seokmin and you paciently waited for your turn. 

"(Y/n)." Your mom said. You looked up at Seokmin standing in front of you. Right then, you couldn't hold back your feelings and you threw your arms around him and tried containing your sobs. You hugged him tighter and tighter until your dad had to pull you off. 

"He has to catch his flight." He said quietly. You wiped your stray tears. 

"I guess this is goodbye (y/n)." 

"Yeah. Bye Seokmin." The look in his eyes was sad and curious. He gave you a weak smile and disappeared past security. He never gained his memories back. Maybe Sophia was right. 

"If you love something set it free, and if it comes back it's meant to be." 

Maybe it wasn't meant to be after all.

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