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"Alright, last one." The flashes went off and you looked at the little screen on the camera and smiled. "Gorgeous. Okay, that's a wrap." The model went over to the screens where she could see her pictures and you went and set your camera down and took a drink of water.

"(Y/n)! There you are." You looked over at your director of photography who was making her way over to you. "Okay, I'm going out on a limb here, but I need your opinion." She said.

"Alright, what is it?"

"Okay, so our magazine always photographs people around here and across the country for fashion, right?"


"Well, I reviewed our ratings and they aren't as high as they used to be. The CEO called all of us to a meeting to discuss it and I came up with a brilliant idea. I told her about it, but she was a little hesitant at first-"

"Well what is it?"

"We've never done this before and she wasn't sure if it would work out-"

"Okay, but what is it?"

"I'm just really excited and I can't wait for it to happen! You are the perfect one for this-"

"Hey! Can you tell me what your idea is first?" You asked, laughing.

"Right. I looked at her and said, "Well, why don't we try to capture trends around the world and not just within our country?" And you know what she said?" You were about to answer, but she kept talking. "She said I should ask my photographers and discuss with them to see if they are willing to travel out of the country. I instantly thought of you. Why? Because I think you are the most capable of taking on this task. If you go, you would go alone and you wouldn't have me or someone there consulting you, so you would be be completely on your own. I think you can handle that. Even when you're here, you pretty much don't need anyone consulting you, I think you're an amazing photographer and I think you can do this." She said, genuinely.

"You really think so?"

"Yes, but the real question is would you be up to doing something like that?"

"Absolutely! That would be awesome!" You said.

"Great! I'll call her up right now."

Your director stepped out to call the CEO and you were beyond excited. After all of your appointments were done for the day, you went to your apartment and took a hot bath to relax your muscles from being in weird photographer positions all day. After that, you made yourself something to eat and plopped on the couch. You felt yourself start to doze off when your phone started to vibrate. You groaned and opened your eyes.


"(Y/n), sorry to call so late, but I wanted to tell you that the CEO likes my idea and she wants to send you away on business tomorrow night." She said. You were a little more awake now.

"Really? That's great! Where am I going?"

"We're giving you the day off tomorrow so you can pack and all that, but you need to come here to pick up your plane ticket and the information for the hotel and everything."

"Th-that's great and all, but where am I going?"

"Oh right, we took into consideration to languages you studied in college-" You gasped. The only language you took was Korean. "-and we saw that you studied Korean, so-"

'It has to be.'

"-we're sending you to Seoul."

'I knew it.'

"Isn't that exciting?!" I froze, and thought for a second.

"Yeah, actually, that's awesome." I said.

"Great. First you need to get your passport, I'll text you were to get that done. Come by tomorrow around 2 to get your ticket. And make sure you're packed because your flight leaves at 8pm tomorrow and you'll be staying there for a week."

"Great, see you tomorrow."

After you hung up, her words lingered in the air. You were going to Seoul. Tomorrow. You will be in the same country as Seokmin in less than 48 hours. A spark of hope was igniting inside you, but you didn't let it through. Yeah you were excited that you have the possibility of seeing him, but what are the odds? You shook your head and went to pack your suitcase. You were being really slow and you wondered what was wrong with you. How are you so calm about this? You even got a good sleep. You woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and ready to start the day. It was almost noon already so you went to get your passport, and once that was taken care off, you went to your work and found your director.

"(Y/n)! Here you are." She handed you your ticket and hotel information. "Are you ready?" She asked.

"As I'll ever be."

You couldn't think of anything else all day. You went off to the airport at around 6:30 and got their just in time to check your bag in and waited at the terminal.

'Is this really happening?'

You were still trying to soak it all in. You started to believe it when you heard the pilot through the speakers.

"Please fasten your seat belts, we are preparing for takeoff here shortly."

It felt like it was real after you were already half way there. It became reality when you landed and were already sitting in your hotel at almost midnight. You don't even remember if you slept on the plane or not. All you know is that you're in Seoul, and closer to Seokmin than you've ever been in the last three years.

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