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You ordered breakfast through room service hoping a good meal would calm your nerves. You ate slowly and savored the tasted. After, you got dressed and, grabbing your camera, ventured out of the hotel. You figured you would keep your path simple so you didn't get lost. Many people were out and they seemed to be rushed, unlike you who was walking slowly just admiring and taking in your surroundings. You saw a stylish young couple with matching outfits and gasped quietly. 

"Perfect." You whispered. You took a deep breath an approached them. They were sitting in a bench and looked up when they saw you coming. 

"Hi, I'm sorry to bother you, but can I take a picture of you both for a fashion magazine?" You asked. They smiled brightly and agreed. They stood where you told them to and posed naturally. "Thanks so much." You said, bowing slightly. They returned the gesture and continued with their business. You slowly walked while looking at the picture. You smiled to yourself at how well it turned out. You heard yelling coming from somewhere, but you weren't paying attention to it. It started to get louder and you stopped walking and looked up to see where it was coming from. 

"Mingyu, stop wiping your snot on me!" Someone yelled. You turned your head and saw a group of about 5 boys walking your way.

 "Give me my sucker back then!" The one called Mingyu yelled back. 

"Go fetch!" The shorter one tossed his sucker towards you without looking and Mingyu ran to catch it, knocking you over in the process. The camera went flying out of your hands. It seemed like it was in slow motion. You were more worried about the camera than yourself. As if a prayer had been answered, two strong hands caught it before it hit the ground. You landed in your hands and winced. 

"See what you did Mingyu!" The one he was fighting with ran over and helped you up." Are you okay?" He asked. You dusted off your hands and nodded. 

"Yeah, I'm just glad he caught the camera." You said. The tall one handed you the camera back and you thanked him. You scanned your eyes over them and noticed how well dressed they were and couldn't pass up the opportunity. "Hey, can I take a picture of your guys for a fashion magazine?" You asked. 

"Ah, so that's what the camera is for. I don't know, you'll have to ask our manager." One said. 

"Manager?" They all looked at you. 

"You don't know us?" You shook your head. 

"Really?" He proceeded to point to himself then the other 4 he was with. 

"Vernon, Mingyu, Jun, Seungkwan, Dino- no?" 

"Sorry. I don't know." 

"Just let her take the picture, I look great today." The one called Seungkwan said. You giggled and they got into position. Once they were ready, you snapped a picture and looked at the screen. "Wait! I have to see it first." Seungkwan came over and looked at it. "Ew, no, let's take another." You laughed and took another one. 

"Okay, we have to go, Coups is gonna kill us if we're late again." 

"Well it's not our fault Dino eats more than an elephant." 

"I can't help it, I'm a growing boy." He said innocently. Before they left, you got really curious about who they actually were. 

"Hey, um, w-who are you guys?" You asked. 

"We're in Seventeen." Vernon said. 

"I'm surprised you haven't heard of us." Seungkwan said. 

"Seventeen, and that's a group?" 

"You don't know anything do you?!" He yelled. 

"Sorry, is this all of you?" 

"No, there are 8 more of us." Jun said. 

"8? That's...13 people! That's a lot." You mumbled. 

"There you guys are!" You all turned to see someone running towards you. Your breath hitched in your throat, your fingers shook, and your legs felt like they were going to give out. 

"Did you ditch us?" He asked, hunched over to catch his breath, not even looking at you. 

"No, you left us!" Seungkwan yelled. "And we were in the middle of taking pictures." He said, pointing to you. The boy looked up at you and you both froze. 

"Huh, (y/n)?" He asked quietly, trying to get a better look at you. 

"S-Seokmin." You said. 

"Wait, what? You two know each other?" They all asked. Seokmin smiled brightly and hugged you. You didn't even react, you felt like crying, but you kept it in. 

"It's so good to see you!" He yelled. 

"You too." You mumbled. He pulled away and frowned. 

"You don't look so happy to see me." He said. 

"N-no, I am! I'm just surprised to see you." You said. 

"Wait! Still confused, how do you know each other?" Seungkwan asked. 

"She was my best friend when I studied abroad. She's apart of my old host family." He said. He put his arm around you and smiled. "Small world, huh?" You just looked at him. You had so many emotions right now. You were happy, curious, and confused. Seokmin remembers you, but he called you his best friend. Does that mean he doesn't remember being in a relationship?

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