Deep Blue Eyes

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Your POV:

You couldn't wait to check out the new bakery in town! Just thinking of all those moist goods and sugary icings made your mouth water. It was easy to be happy when you had something to look forward to. As unhealthy as it is, you were eating there for dinner. You weren't that hungry anyway.

The bakery, called "Sweet Snacks" was only several blocks from where you lived. It was a small shop with a big, clear window to give a glimpse of a couple of chairs and cakes at the back. You quickly opened the door, and a small ring of a bell went through the room.

It was very cozy and warm compared to the chilly weather, so you took off the jacket you were wearing. The smell of flour wafted towards you. Your eyes wandered towards the pastry display. You ordered a berry tart. After you received your delicious dessert, you took a seat and took a big bite. It was amazing. The bread was baked to perfection, and the berries were fresh and juicy.

A ring sounded, indicating someone else had arrived inside of the bakery. You looked up and saw a boy around your age, possibly a year or two older than you. His eyes were the first thing you really noticed. Beautiful and scary at the same time. He had deep blue eyes so intense that you almost were afraid you'll drown in them.

He spotted you a second after you spotted him. Instantly, a chill went up your spine from the expression the boy made. His eyes seemed to bore into your soul, staring into every part of you. Your head snaps back down, suddenly finding your tart so interesting. As you slowly chew it, you feel his gaze still on you even as he goes forward to get whatever he wanted.

Finally, he turns to the cashier person and gets a chocolate cake. However, the second the cashier begins to bend down to get it from the display, his eyes are back on you. This boy was quite attractive if you say so yourself, but you felt uncomfortable for some reason which was weird. Guys have looked at you in the past, and you never felt this way. So why were you so uneasy? Maybe it was because he stared so intently.

You fork up a blackberry and nibble on it, trying to ignore the stares. The cashier hands him his slice of cake, and to your slight panic, he begins to immediately head towards you.

"May I sit here?" he asks politely. It was weird for him to say that because there were plenty of seats in the store, but you shrugged it off. It would be rude to say no anyway. "Sure."

He sat across from you and took out his cake. You finished your tart in a rush and began to pack up. Suddenly, the boy said something.

"Um . . . I'm Killua. I didn't catch your name," he mumbles awkwardly. You look at him for a second. "I'm Y/N."

He smiles. "What a beautiful name." You instantly blush and cough up a quiet thank you. You two make small chat about your lives and interests. The uneasiness doesn't disappear though.

You noticed it getting dark out. "I should get going now. It was nice meeting you."

"I'm done, too. I should get going as well." You two left the bakery together.

"Bye," you say, hoping to shake him off. The bad feeling was driving you nuts. He looks angry for a moment, but then it's gone. That must've been your imagination. 

"Bye." He leaves with his hands in his pockets in the opposite direction you were going in.

You turned away and started walking back to your house, letting out a breath you didn't realize you were holding in. There was a full moon out by now, and the cold, crisp winter air blew around you. Snow lightly covered the ground, making it sparkle brightly. You loved this kind of night with the scenery and silence.

However, unknown to you, a pair of deep blue eyes watched you from a block away, trailing behind. He had followed you after you left, kept his distance, and observed you all at the same time. His actions must be extremely careful and precise, or else his plan would be ruined.

 "Y/N, you will soon be mine . . . And only mine."


Sorry for the long wait! My Yandere!Killua x Reader is out now!



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