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Please read from the beginning if you haven't already.



You huddled in the darkness with the cuffs scratching your arms. For some reason, you were scared to be alone. It may sound stupid, but being alone in your kidnapper's house in an unknown location is freaky. What if he never comes back? What if death was your punishment for being so disobedient? You sighed and tried to find happiness in falling asleep.



I stare Connor down. "Okay, time to begin the questions. Remember your life is at stake so answer correctly."

He gulps. "Of course."

"How long have you been dating Y/N?"

"Around a month and a half." 

"Hmmm . . . Do you know of any previous boyfriends?"

"No. She never mentioned anyone that I know of."

"Who are her parents? Describe them."

"I met them twice for dinner, and they seemed to like me with my charm and all. But they're barely here, always traveling overseas for work. In fact, they just left about four weeks ago and are returning in a couple of days, I believe."

My stomach dropped. "When exactly are they coming back?" I growled.

"Probably in two or three days."

"The specific day!" I screamed in anger.

"U-uh . . . in two days."

Liar. I slammed by fist against his stomach. He spits up some blood, coughing.

"Don't lie to me."

"Fine! I don't know, alright! I really don't know the exact date they're coming back! I don't focus on that stuff!" I sigh and grit my teeth.

"Next question then. Who are Y/N's main friends?" Connor pauses for a moment.

"Well, she doesn't really socialize that often. She has a lot of acquaintances, but nobody really close to her enough to be mentioned besides her parents."

He was telling the truth. I can sense his fear, the beating of his heart and how terrified he was. I wanted to see blood. But not yet.

"Interesting. Is there anyone who is mean to her, bothers her, or targets her in any way in and out of school?"

Connor avoids my gaze. "No."

I got mad. This kid just didn't learn his lesson from the first time, did he? I smacked his head, and it snapped backwards. Red streamed down his face.

"Tell me the truth you bastard," I spit venomously.

He gargles on some blood. "There are a group of people who used to target her. It's made up of two girls and two boys."

"Why didn't you do anything?!"

"It was quite a while ago before we got together. Anyway, I nobody stood up for her because they were popular and could ruin our lives in a second."

"You little-"

He quickly starts squirming when he sees my expression. "H-hey! C-calm down! It was suicidal to go against that group! No one sane would've done anything!"

I bit my lip and contained my anger. "What's their names?"

He looks down. "Sorry, I don't remember." I really wanted to hit him again, but he would knock out this time.

The Rest of Your Life (Yandere!Killua x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now