Bye bye

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Please read from the beginning if you haven't already.


*WARNING* : If you are not comfortable with attempted rape/forced sexual acts then please skip. I do not support rape/forced sexual acts in any way, but I'm trying to make this yandere story as realistic as possible as to what a yandere Killua would probably do.


"Are you okay?" Killua asks. You nod several times.

He frowns at your response, unconvinced. You've never been the greatest liar. "You can tell me anything, Y/N."

"It's nothing." You quickly come up with a solution to shut him up. "It was about my parents. They were crying and asking me why I left them, and I couldn't speak."

He said nothing at that. "So about them . . . Do you know where they are?"

Your stomach dropped. Was he planning to do something to them? No, you swore nobody would get hurt because of you.

"Yes, I do know, but why do you want to know?"

"Because I have to get rid of them since they would not approve of our relationship."

Hot anger rises in you. "First off, we do NOT have a relationship. Second, if you even dare to touch my parents I will kill you!"

Killua glares at you, cutting you off. He roughly grabs you arm, making you wince.

"You don't get it! I have to kill anyone who would come between us!"

"I don't get it?! You don't get that I won't love you and never will! You don't get that this isn't lovely or for protection . . . this is fucking illegal! You kidnapped me and stole me away from my life and expect me to love you?! You're insane! I'll rather die than be with you!"

You couldn't help it. Once you spoke, everything came flooding out. You guessed it was because he got to the topic about your parents, the people who were closest to you. However, you regretted it the second when you saw a small smile creep upon Killua's face. Him screaming or even hitting you would've been better because something about that smile made you sick. He was up to no good.

He looks out the window and chuckles to himself. "I really didn't want to do this Y/N, but it seems like I have no choice. I'm done playing the nice guy. And if you won't love me, I'll force you to."

Before you can barely process those words, he pounces on you like a cat and forcefully kisses you. You manage to wiggle away from him.

"What are you doing?!"

"I told you, I'll force you to love me if you won't."

"B-but I still have three days!"

"Not anymore, Y/N. I'll make you mine tonight."

Tears filled your eyes. You didn't want this to be your first. This wasn't how you wanted things to happen.

"You're going to rape me?" you whispered.

He immediately stops what he's doing. "This isn't rape! This is showing love! THIS IS SHOWING LOVE!" he screams.

"P-please K-Killua d-don't d-do t-this. I'm sorry for what I said. I was just angry."

He shakes his head. "Sorry, but you said that so many times." You tried to fight as much as you could, but there wasn't really anything you could do with the stupid cuffs and Killua's inhuman power.

"S-stop, please."

"I'm sorry, Y/N, but this is what things have come to." He undresses himself, and you looked away. You've never seen a naked guy before, and you weren't planning to. You couldn't believe this was actually happening.

The moment he touches the shirt you were wearing, you burst into tears. "Don't! Don't touch me!" you screeched. You turned into an animal. You were absolutely livid and crazy. If this was going to happen, you were at least going down in a fight. 

"Please stay still!" You were surprised to see some sadness even on Killua's face, but that only added fuel to the fire. How could he have the nerve to be in pain?!

He sharpens his claws to tear off your clothes faster since you were creating a fuss. Suddenly, you had an idea. You didn't care anymore. You wouldn't be able to live with yourself after this anyway, so why not do this so he can't have his way?

You lift up your hand and hold onto Killua's right arm. He blinks at you, stunned and happy. Good. It's all going to your little plan.

Without hesitation and using his shock to your advantage, you drive his hand downwards towards  your stomach. Yes, you were trying to kill yourself. You may be thinking that's so stupid, but at the moment, it wasn't. The thought of being raped and then held captive by that same guy for the rest of your life pushed you over the edge. Also, you were really stubborn, not the type to give in, and not in the most healthy mental state at that moment.

Killua, in his state of confusion, didn't have enough time to stop his hand from digging into your stomach. It hurt so much, but it felt so beautiful at the same time that you were going to get away from him. Blood seeped onto the bed sheets.

"What have you done, Y/N?! No, no, no!"

You grin. "Did you hear what I said before? I'll rather die than be with you. I'll hate you forever, Killua."

His face turns white. "You're not going to get away! I refuse to let that happen! YOU WON'T GET AWAY! YOU'RE MINE!"

Even in your condition, you rolled your eyes then coughed up blood. "Bye bye, bitch. I'll be going soon from this hellhole."

It was good you planted his hand deep into your stomach. More blood was flowing out. He put on his pants and wrapped his shirt around you to try to stop the blood, but you knew it was useless. If you weren't in the hospital soon you'll die.



I refuse to let her go. If she died, she wouldn't be mine. I will do ANYTHING to keep her in my grasp which is why I'm going to do this . . .

Quickly, I stand up and run to grab my phone in another room and dial 911. No, I am definitely not giving her up. The hospital would cure her and then I'll take her again one day when she lets her guard down. I'll finish what I started today when I have her.

I had to get out fast. They'll recognize me. I'm the most wanted criminal in the world. I'll simply change the place of our home since there was no way I can ever go back here.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"My girlfriend is bleeding to death right now. Come quickly." I told the address then hung up without waiting for the dispatcher to ask me more questions about how she got in her condition. All that matters is that they come.

I raced back to Y/N and kissed her passionately. "I'll be back for you, sweetheart. I will always love you." She began to shake violently.

"Shhh . . . It's okay now. You'll be saved and we'll be happy soon enough. Good bye."

Then as fast as my legs can take me, I sprinted out of the house and into the dark woods that seemed to laugh at me.


Dun, dun, dun! I hope you enjoyed! Also, I've noticed a lot of people want a happy ending where they end up together but idk yet tbh. :P



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