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Please read from the beginning if you haven't already.



Shaking with anger, I step outside of the cursed cell. The two guards from before are running back now from the sound I made. I killed them quickly before they could barely address what had happened. Blood sprayed onto the ground, giving me a short flashback of Connor's death.

I step over the bodies, making my way to the exit of this hellhole. Y/N . . . Did you think you were going to get rid of me that easily? I'll forgive you, but this time we're running away together.

My feet break out into a run. I turn the corner and see the shocked faces of a few more officers.

"Hey! How-"

They reach for their guns, but their heads are off before the sentence is finished. I continue to run as fast as I could, looking forward to see Y/N again. I miss her so damn much . . . I had to see her soon.

I spot a guard walking down the hall casually. I step in front of him and put my claws to his neck.

"W-what a-are y-you d-doing?!"

"Give me the keys to exit this room and I'll spare your pathetic life." He blinks at me so I growl, "Five . . . Four . . . Three . . ." He hands me it, then I chop off his head. I could care less about him.

I leave the cell compartments and threaten another person for directions to get out. Again, I kill him after he tells me. I keep on continuing this cycle until I get out . . . It's amazing what people would do to live.



"Y/N . . . you can run but you can't hide. I'm always here for you . . . forever and ever . . . for the rest of your life . . . the rest of your life . . . the rest of your life . . ."

Those haunting words echo down the corridor I'm dashing in. I'm trying to shake off Killua. I can't see him, but I know he's there.

"I can't believe you lied to me. I thought you loved me . . . loved me . . . loved me . . ."

"Stop!" I screamed.

"I'm sorry . . . but I hoped things would've ended differently . . . differently . . . differently . . ."

Suddenly, the corpses of my parents appeared. They were ripped and torn, obviously tortured before their death.



I wake up from my nightmare after that. I tried to calm myself down.

It's not real, Y/N, he's locked up for good. He's far, far away where he can't hurt anyone.

I repeated that until I fell asleep again, but the uneasy feeling in my stomach didn't disappear.

The next morning, my mom woke me up and made me breakfast. I thanked her for that and chowed my toast and eggs down. When I finished, the phone rang.


"Y/N! Are you alright?!" shouted Cole.

"Um . . . yes. What's wrong?"

He cleared his throat nervously. "Killua has broken out of jail and is coming for you. I didn't want to tell you, but after we couldn't find him I was ordered to inform you."

The room started spinning. "If this some joke?" I choked.

"Of course not. I would never do something like that! The police are on their way to your house now since that is likely where Killua is heading. However, stay put because they should arrive before Killua as he does not have a vehicle. By car, it should take them about two hours."

The Rest of Your Life (Yandere!Killua x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now