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Please read from the beginning if you haven't already.



The next day, you woke up still chained to the bedpost. Your eyes were still puffy from crying last night.  When you realized the danger of your situation, you held back a sob.

For the first time since you arrived here, you observed your surroundings. Yesterday you were too deranged to notice anything, so you had a good look at the big room you were put into. It was actually quite nice. You were on a white, king sized bed with a large pillow. A nightstand was beside you. To your right, there was a huge vertical window with curtains draped in front of it to prevent you from seeing your location. You could tell it was the daytime because there were bright lights behind it. To your left was a dresser and a mirror. Further down on the same side was another door that perhaps led to the bathroom, you guessed. In front of the bed was the door Killua entered in yesterday. In that case, that was the escape door.

The four walls that made up the room were each painted in a light cream color. You stared at it blankly, trying to hope this was all a dream. It had to be. You would wake up in your house, and it would just be a nightmare. A long nightmare. The scariest one you've ever had. Just a nightmare.

But it wasn't because you never woke up.

You hear footsteps approaching and don't even bother to pretend to be asleep, afraid the same thing would happen yesterday or worse. Even though you were terrified, you kept a neutral expression.

The door swings open, and Killua comes in with a tray of food. The sight of that makes your stomach grumble. The last thing you ate was the tart at the bakery. However, you knew better than to gobble up your kidnapper's breakfast. He probably poisoned or drugged it.

He came closer, and you shrunk back. Well, as much as you could with the handcuffs anyway. Killua placed the tray in front of you. On it there's a slice of toast, two slices of bacon, scrambled eggs, and a glass of orange juice.

"Here," he said. You don't move a muscle.

"You have to eat, Y/N." His voice almost sounds pleading, but you dismiss that thought. He doesn't care about you.

"Come on." You gritted your teeth. He was dead wrong if he thought you were dumb enough to eat it.

He sighs. "I don't want to do this, but I'm going to have to force you to eat if you don't. It's not healthy to starve yourself." When you don't reply, he rips off a piece of the toast. You shut your mouth as tight as you can, and your body went rigid. You're not eating anything.

Holding the piece of toast, he laid the rest of the food on the nightstand next to you. Suddenly, he jumps on the bed and lands on top of you. It happened so fast you had no time to blush, but only look at him with shock.

"What are you-" You're cut off mid-sentence when Killua takes the opportunity to shove the toast into your opened mouth. You tried to spit it out, but he covers your mouth with his hand, forcing you to chew. To prevent you from getting up, he used his left hand to grab your hair downwards. It hurt to try to get up. He used his body weight as well to keep you down and his right hand to feed you.

You were too mortified to even care.

You made sure not to speak after that. However, Killua continued to poke food at you. When you continued to refuse, he forcefully shoved it into your mouth, making you almost choke. You glared daggers at him.

"Look, I have no choice to do this if you don't eat." You look away. "Fine."

He crawls off of you and watches you, making sure you're swallowing every bit of it. You hated to admit it, but everything was delicious.  When you were done, he collected the tray and left to who knows where.

When he returns, he sits across from you on the bed. A little too close for your comfort.

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions. I'll answer each one by one." A thousand things ran through your mind. You didn't know where to start.

"Where am I?"

"Kuckoroo Mountain."

"So you took my across the world?" you said incredulously.

"Yes." You sighed and assumed he was telling the truth which you knew wasn't likely.

"And you kidnapped me because you apparently loved me even though we only spoke like once?"

"Yes. It's to keep you safe."

"Safe from what?"

"People who will take you away from me. Your family, friends, the police, those who will be searching for you and would get between us," he growls. You're scared at his sudden change in demeanor. His face became ice cold with hatred.

"Y-you're crazy."

He gives you a crooked smile. "Crazy for you."

You shake your head and finally say the question you've wondered for so long.

"Why me? And don't give me that love at first sight lie. I want to know the truth!"

He blinks. "That is the truth. I've wanted you ever since I saw you. I've never wanted something more in my life. And I always get what I want."

You honestly didn't know what to say to that. "Okay . . . and one more question. How long are you going to lock me up here?"

"I'm not locking you up. I'm protecting you, my beautiful Y/N." You glared at him and ignored the last part. "So how long?!"

"For the rest of your life, of course."

Your eyes widened. "N-no! Y-you can't do that! I have a family and friends! You're stealing me away from my life. You don't take someone you love from the people they care about!"

"You'll understand when you'll realize they are going to keep us apart."

You snapped. "Well, maybe it's because I want to be apart from you, you psycho! I hate you! I won't ever love you, you bastard!

The atmosphere changed drastically. "Take. That. Back." He had a murderous tone to every word.

"Never! I would be lying if I did anyway . . ." He let out an inhuman snarl and pounced on you. His strength was overpowering as always, but you still fought.

"Get off, you-" Killua kissed you passionately and you struggled to push him off. You started crying and he immediately stopped.

"Y/N . . . I'm sorry. Please, give me a chance though ." He tries to take your hand but you gave him a look that made him halt.

"Leave me alone." Icicles were dripping off your words. He gives you a sad look and leaves.

The next few days are the same. Him forcing you breakfast. You yelling stuff at him and how much you hate him. He kissing you against your will.

You were wrong. This is a nightmare. A real, living nightmare.


There you go, and I hope you enjoyed!

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