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Please read from the beginning if you haven't already.


Killua's POV:

An insane grin was worn on the boy's face. He carefully picked you up bridal style, using his left hand to hold the side of your shoulder. Your head rolled back and snuggled against his chest.

When Killua first saw you at the bakery, he knew he had to have you. No matter what. He couldn't exactly explain it. Some people may call it love at first sight, but this was something bigger and better. He believed you guys were soul mates or something like that. Anyway, he was obsessed.

He couldn't help but give you another kiss on your forehead. And on your cheek. And on your nose. And everywhere. You were so adorable to him in your sleeping state.

As much as he wanted to keep on kissing you, he had to go take you to his place before you woke up. He had around eight hours until you would be conscious again. So nobody could come between you two, he decided to take you to another house he owned thousands of miles away. Perks of being a professional assassin.

Another reason he was taking you far away was because people would be looking for you if you went missing. That simple thought sent rage throughout his body. How dare someone try to take you away from him! His eyes dilated in anger, and he felt his fingernails transforming into claws, wanting to tear all those people into bloody pieces.

He quickly calmed down. Now was certainly not the time to lose control. He swiftly opened a nearby window and hopped out gracefully. He jumped on top of building to building.

Since he was going slowly due to being extra careful with you in his arms, a policeman soon spotted him.


Hearing the voice, Killua gritted his teeth and kept on going. He had no time for this. The police man began to follow behind him in his car. As he was driving, he was in disbelief that someone had the strength and agility to be traveling like that. This guy was no normal person.

When the police man refused to back down, Killua got annoyed and mad. And you never, ever make him annoyed and mad.

Killua went down from the building he was on, making the police lose his view on him. The man exited the car in a hurry with a gun and cautiously made his way to the alley where he saw the kid disappear in.

The white haired boy rolled his eyes. His footsteps were so loud. He might as well take a flag and yell, "Come and get me! I'm right here!" Killua was leaning against a wall in the darkness, concealing himself. Since he was going to take "care" of him,  he carefully laid you on the ground. It was so dirty. You shouldn't have to be on it. It's all that guy's fault . . .

To make it even more obvious where he was, he carried a flashlight with him. When the police was right next to Killua, he kicked his leg without holding back.

The man howled in pain as his leg was shattered, dropped his flashlight, and fell onto the ground, screaming and holding his injury.

"Hm? Already hurt? I haven't even started yet." Killua wasn't smiling. He was beyond furious at him for interrupting his plan.

The police man had no time to even yell out. Killua slammed his foot onto his other leg, then broke his two arms as well. It all happened so fast he couldn't even make a noise. Killua kicked his stomach once, and he coughed up blood immediately. He had no strength to call for help.

"Tch. I thought you would last longer than that." Not even an ounce of sweat was on Killua. "Oh well, I have to get going anyway. Sadly, I can't torture you more." With one step on his neck, he was gone.

A little bit of blood was on his shoes and shirt, but he could change once he got to his house. Remembering he was short on time again, he picked you up and stroked your hair. It was soft and silky and smelled like strawberries. Delicious.

Killua kissed your cheek and then jumped back on top of the building. He continued to run through the night, his thoughts consumed about your beauty and both of you together.


Sorry if it was a bit extreme, but I said stuff like this would happen in my summary as a warning.

 Also, it's only going to get worse from here. XD



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