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Please read from the beginning if you haven't already.


Your POV:

Your head hurt when you woke up, but the rest of your body was comfortable on the bed you were on. The room was unfamiliar to you, and then all of the memories from last night rushed in. You almost started crying. Almost. There was no point in pitying yourself. You had to get away.

Was he going to kill me? Why did he kidnap me? A thousand questions ran through your brain. You didn't want to find out any despite your curiosity. You had to escape even though you didn't have a clue where you were. Escaping seemed like a great idea if it weren't for your wrist handcuffed to the bedpost above you. The harder you pulled, the more red your skin got. It burned. It was clearly useless, but you still tried to pop your hand out.

The sound of footsteps approaching the room sent fear through you. You quickly stopped pulling on the handcuffs and laid back down, pretending to be asleep.

The door creaks open, and the person quietly walks towards you. You didn't dare to open your eyes.

You were surprised when he unlocked the handcuffs with a click of a key. His hand lightly caresses your cheek, and that's all it took for you to break the sleeping act. At the contact, you screamed and crawled backwards, away from the person. You finally got a good look at who your captor was . . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

The guy at the bakery?! Why did he kidnap me?!

"Y/N, calm down. I'll explain in a second." That was meant to soothe you, but you still looked like you've seen a ghost. He was going to slaughter you mercilessly and bathe in your blood! Or was he going to slice you apart like what you saw on a crime show before?! Your eyes darted towards the door which was still opened. You sprinted off the bed on the other side and ran. However, before you could even advance in a few steps, he caught you in his arms.

How could he possibly get here so fast!?

"Please, Y/N, listen to me." He pecks you on the cheek, and that makes everything worse. You screamed and thrashed around wildly with all your might like a crazy animal. You scratched, punched, and even bit. Despite your attempts, Killua was holding onto you firmly. Were you that weak? Or was he that strong?

"Stop it! You'll hurt yourself!" The slight concern in his voice makes you snap your head up in surprise and suspicion. When silence only continues after, you go back to reality.

"Why do you care??!! Let me go! Why did you do this? Why did you kidnap me?" You attempt to escape again, but he holds on.

"Actually, that's what I mean to talk to you about," he says softly.


He sighed. "Didn't you feel that at the bakery?"

"What?" Okay, this guy was definitely nuts.

"We're meant to be." Every word he said was laid out in an important and serious tone. Was he serious? He expected you to believe that? You scoffed, then realized you're still scared.

"What's the real reason you've brought me here?" You said it in a small, fragile voice.

His eyes sparkled, but something was off. "I've loved you ever since I saw you." His grip tightens. "I don't ever want to let you go." He said it in a quiet, dangerous way.

You paused for a moment. You knew that every thing you did determined if you were going to be alive or dead. Instead of laughing and calling him a psycho like you wanted to and telling him to be serious, you calmly said, "Alright . . . ? But I'm sorry. I don't understand how you can love me when you barely know me. I mean, we just met once." You did your best to sound nice and to not make your voice quiver. "Also, if you loved me, we should take it step by step. Kidnap- I mean, taking me here was a bit over the top since I don't know you . . . don't you think?"

Killua's eyebrows furrowed, and you were so happy he was actually listening to you. Then an understanding look pops up on his face. A bright glimmer of hope comes into you. It looked like he might actually let you go.

"Oh, I get it! In that case, you'll get to know me more and everything will be cleared up to you! You'll know afterwards we're meant to be!"




You gritted your teeth to keep you from fighting and screaming again. "I'm sorry, I meant if you could take me back to my house, and I'll know you from there. Uh . . . I feel kind of uncomfortable that I'm with a stranger. I have to know you first, then I'll move in. Right?"

"NO. I won't do that. You're mine! People will try to take you away from me. You don't know how cruel the world can be. You may be a bit confused now, but you'll get it later. There's no way I'm ever letting you go!" Killua was yelling by the time he finished.

Well, you were done playing nice now. He clearly made up his mind. You started elbowing and crying and wailing for help once again, but he easily scooped you up and handcuffed you back onto the bed.

"If you loved me, you'll let me go! Not lock me up," you cried. You said that in all honesty and to make him feel the guilt he deserved.

He hugged you one last time and looked at you with sad eyes. You even stopped crying for a second when you saw how genuine and upset he was.

"I'm sorry," Killua said painfully, "but you'll understand soon." He sniffs and left you sobbing in the bed, curling into the blankets and finally letting all the tears fall.


Sorry guys, but I'm not going to be updating that much soon with school finally here. However, I'll try my best to update when I can! Until next time . . .



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