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Please read from the beginning if you haven't already.



Killua still has not returned. How long as he been long? Probably the whole night. Or maybe he's still here all this time, listening to you suffer. Listening to you slowly die. Your face was still streaked with tears.



I looked at the time. Oh no! I've been out for too long since I've been delayed with those four trashy people who hurt Y/N. Using my full speed, I zipped back to my house. Y/N was likely hungry and scared. I mentally kicked myself. How could I have been so deep into torturing those bastards that I forgot about her? My poor, poor Y/N. Don't worry, I'm coming to you soon.



"Killua, I swear I will never leave you! Please answer me if you're here . . ."

You have no idea how desperate you would get if you knew your only possible rescuer. Your voice became hoarse and scratchy. You curled up into a ball.

Maybe this was it. Just give it a few more days and then you'll thirst to death.

Suddenly, you heard the front door slam open. Not a second later, Killua ran into the room and practically leaped on you.

"Y/N! Oh Y/N, I'm so sorry for leaving you for so long."

You were frozen, stunned that he didn't leave you. "Y-you d-didn't leave m-me to d-die?"

He looked at you with such shock and anger that you flinched.

"I would never do that! I would never leave you, so forget about killing! Y/N . . ." You blocked him out when he continued to furiously rant.

You weren't going to die. You weren't going to. Conflicted emotions thrashed around, and you burst into tears for the hundredth time in the last few days.

Yes, he was your kidnapper. But you have no idea how glad you were to know you were going to live. Well, for now anyway. The joy of knowing he was back made you so happy. It may sound sick and absolutely crazy to some people, but they didn't understand the fear of life slowly draining out of you with no one around.

He gets you some food and water and you gulp it down like a savage. After that he grabs you and cuddles with you on the bed.

You sob into his chest. "K-killua . . . you're actually back . . . you're actually back . . ."

"Shhh . . . I won't do it again." He strokes your hair. You wanted to slap his hand away still, but then you realized how tired you were since you stayed up half of the night. You fell into a deep slumber in Killua's arms.



She is so beautiful. I wanted to take her right there, but I held myself back. The fourth day was coming to an end. Just three more days and she'll be mine. I wrap my hands tighter around her body as if someone was going to snatch her away.

I start thinking about the people I killed today. I don't care about them, but I'm thinking about what I'm going to do to tell Y/N. She will surely thank me for the four bullies. However, what about Connor? But it doesn't matter. She'll learn to love me and only me. He was getting in the way. Besides, he only wanted to use her.

When she learns to stop trying to escape, I'll take her out on dates and vacations. My face glowed with excitement. We'll be so happy, and no one would come between us.

Suddenly, I thought about her parents. Connor claimed they would be here in two days or three. I guess I'll ask Y/N when she wakes up. Might as well get some sleep, too. I grab her waist and snuggle her against my chest, feeling the heat of her body spark on my skin.

I was still furious that she thought I would try to kill her by starving her to death! It made my heart pinch just thinking about it. She still obviously didn't trust me at all, thinking I would leave her to rot in that room alone. I would never, ever do that. Y/N . . . She will understand one day. I'm doing this to protect her. We will be so happy forever and ever until the stars can't even watch us anymore. I love her so much.



I'm running as fast as I can through a forest. Dark green leaves trickled against my skin as I zipped past. Something is coming for me. I don't know what it is, but I want to get away.

Suddenly, the thing which is a person is behind me. Deuce. I'm losing my energy, and I eventually stop.

"That's right. There's no point of running. Now shall we have some fun?"

He puts his hand on my arm and caresses it. A chill crawls up my spine. He is one of the bullies and harasses me.

"Hey, think about sharing?" Someone else emerges from the trees. Justin.

He smirks at my position. Fear grows inside of me. Behind him is Katy and Lily.

Justin tries to take my clothes off, and I try to kick him away. No. This isn't real. This isn't real.

But it felt like it was. Deuce holds my arms behind my back, and Justin's grin widens. But the second he touches my shirt, a fifth person appears. Killua. My stomach drops. Has he come to join them?

However, he's glaring at the bullies with such hate I'm surprised they didn't run. In a flash, he rips them into pieces and blood flows on the earthy ground.

"Die. Die. Die. Anyone who hurts Y/N should die." Killua kisses me, then vanishes as quickly as he appeared.

After that, I snap awake trembling.


I hope you enjoyed! By the way, for this story, I'm curious if you guys want a sad or happy ending. I'm curious what you guys are thinking about Killua and Reader! It may not actually affect the real ending I'm thinking about, but I just want to see what's on your minds!



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