Never Again

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Please read from the beginning if you haven't already.



The police station is going nuts. After Killua had given his location, they came right up. I sat there, baffled he actually did it, and felt the sun's warmth of freedom when I was escorted outside.

Killua put up no fight at all. He obediently followed the cops outside in handcuffs with his head down. However, before he entered the police car, he turned around and smiled at me happily like a little kid. If possible, that made me feel even worse. I forcefully returned the gesture as he was taken away.

I was questioned, and I told them everything. And when I say everything, I mean everything including the truth. The truth where I lied to Killua about my promise. They fully understood it was what I had to do and even appeared impressed for what I've done. One cop even told me I must've been quite a good actress.

Killua was sentenced to jail for the rest of his life without parole after a couple of months of decision by the court. I gave my testimony while my parents silently cheered me on from the back. There wasn't much of a debate. Killua never said a word to defend himself, refused a lawyer, and admitted to every crime he committed. That included the murder of Connor, Justin, Deuce, Katy, Lily, and a lot of other people I didn't know. Each name that was counted made me feel better in a twisted way- he was being brought to justice for what he's done. I have done the right thing. I did nothing wrong. But the sinking pit in my stomach didn't disappear.

Despite his actions, Killua appeared to be like an innocent boy that followed all the rules. Standing up in the court, a faraway look was present in his eyes. Dazed. He seemed to be in deep thought about something nice.

Finally, everything was coming to an end.

"Do you have any last words?"

He perks up. "Yes!" He whips his head towards me. "I'm so glad I made this decision! I was a little doubtful at first, but Y/N was right. This is for the better! She'll forgive me for what I've done and visit me every Sunday afternoon." He beamed brightly. "Jail may be a bit of a pain, but it doesn't matter because Y/N will be with me for the rest of my life!"

The jury clears his throat uncomfortably. Everyone knew of my lie. Except for Killua. They knew the second he was locked up, I'm never, ever going to see him again.

"Y/N, anything to say?"

"Yes." I turned to him trying to look strong. "Thank you for doing this and making us work together and compromise. I'll see you every week!"

"Of course!" With that, he's escorted out of the room.

I tried my best not to cry.

I don't even know why I feel so bad. Maybe it was because of his expression . . . that innocent, joyful, eager face of no regrets. That should've been the last thing he would feel.

But deep down, I know why. I know why I'm so upset. It's because I lied to the person who only cared about me in his life. He basically threw his life away to rot in jail because he thought I would love him if he did so. His illegal offenses didn't matter. Killua viewed me as his only purpose, and I brought his end.

How is that not the saddest thing in the world?



I happily walked down the hallway with two police officers on each side of me. Tch. They're soooo annoying. I could've killed everyone in that damn courtroom in a second, but Y/N would love me if I didn't. This actually isn't so bad. For the rest of my life, I can see lovely Y/N once a week! I wish I made it everyday, but this will do for now. Anything is better than her screaming she hates me.

I'm put in a cell that reeks of a metallic smell. There's a small sink that produces brown water but eventually turns clear after a few seconds. A creaky bed is placed in the back of the room.

It was absolutely horrid I would have to stay here for the rest of my life, but I don't mind. This is for Y/N! Y/N will love me! I start blushing and fiddling furiously, earning a few weird looks from the police officers. I Ignored them and skipped into the cell.

Might as well try to get used to my new life.



All the law drama is over. The second we're free to go, mom, dad, and I begin packing. We're moving next week to a new place for a fresh start. In school, I've suddenly become the most popular person ever since Killua and the deaths of my fellow classmates. I was accused of murdering them myself which I responded to with violence. Thanks, Killua. You taught me to fight at least.

Anyway, my parents thought everything was too much for me to handle so we're leaving for good. I didn't object at all. I wanted to do this.

Since I still have a few more days until the departure, I decided to kill some time by going outside. I wander around a little, taking in the fresh air. I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going.

The streets were pretty busy. People were all enjoying the outdoor weather and sunshine. I was strolling along and minding my own business when I smelled something familiar.

A bell jingles a couple of yards away when a couple opens a door to walk into a shop. I glanced up and mentally panicked when I saw the sign, "Sweet Treats." For a second, my heart stopped. Then I wondered why was I so scared. It's just a sour memory. Nothing more. What I smelled were the bakery goods that wafted passed the door. The scent disappeared when the couple went inside.

This was the place where I first saw Killua before everything started. For some reason, I felt compelled to go inside. So I did.

The familiar cake stands and atmosphere consumed my senses. I bought the same berry tart as I did in the past and sat down in the same exact seat. I bit into the treat and looked at the door, almost expecting Killua to come in.

He didn't of course. 

Because I'm never going to see him again.


Sorry this was a boring chapter! >.< I promise that the next one will have more stuff happening!



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