Chapter 1: Thunderstorms

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Thunder is natures heartbeat. The loud rumbles sounded from outside and shook the world. I sat in my living room, reading my book by the flicker of my candle light, thanks to the power outage that consumed my block.

I flipped through the pages rather quickly. Not actually reading the words, but letting my eyes skim over the black typed letters. I felt - off. Not myself. The lighting struck, flashing its' high voltage smile through my window. I finally gave up reading and closed the cover.


Why did I do this to myself? This was pure torture yet I enjoyed it. Was I masochistic? No, even worse then that. I was in love. I was in love with a memory that haunted my every thought. I was in love with a person, who's soft tone I could no long hear. In love with an image that was no longer clear and visible.

The low rumble of my phone wedge between a cushion broke my deep thoughts. I reached between the cushions and, without checking the caller ID, answered it.

"How are you holding up baby girl?" hearing Cary's voice through the phone caused the corner of my mouth to turn upward.

"I'm fine" I told him. Lie. I was far from fine. I was reliving moments that were no longer mine.

"Emma" he breathed and I knew he didn't believe my words. I rested my face in my palm. Holding the phone up to my ear with the other hand. "Are you reading it?" he asked. Almost like he could hear my thoughts. I looked down at the book that now weighted heavy in my lap.

I sighed.

"Yes" I didn't want to admit it, but I had read Twilight four times. This would be my fifth.

"You need to stop doing this to yourself" he told me. "It's not healthy" I ran my fingers along the cover.

Long slender arms reached out front and held onto an apple. The bright red color popped from the contrast of the pale milky skin and blackness of the background.

I imagined that those were his arms and instead of an apple, they clutched onto my heart.

"I know, I know, but I can't help it. I'm an emotional cutter" I told him. I flipped the book open again. To a random page and the first words my eyes went to were Edward. Oh how Stephanie Meyer described him perfectly.

"I'm coming over" his voice seemed distant, like he had stepped away from the phone.

"Cary you really don't-'

"Too late" then the line went dead. I sighed. Wishing it could release the pressure from inside my body. It didn't.

Getting up from the couch I headed to my bedroom. Taking the candle along to guide my way.

I set the candle on my bed side table and lowered to my knees. Reaching under the bed, I dragged out the old shoe box the held everything. I hesitated lifting the lid. Exposing old photos of a happy couple and worn out love letters. I chose a letter at random and opened it.

I turned to rest my back against my bed as I read it. I knew the words like I knew the alphabet. I had recited it to memory. Though I had read these same love letters nearly a thousand times, the rush of emotions always felt like I was reading it for the first time.

'Wait for me' those three simple words held so much promise. A promise I feared was broken. It's been three years since I last saw him. How long did he want me to wait. How long could I wait?

The rain continued to pound on my window. Matching the even tempo of my heart. I began to tear up as I read the last part.

'Ever thine. Ever Mine. Ever Ours"

Was it still ours? I wasn't sure anymore. While the pain rippled through me fresh, I kept up with the torture. Inhaling the faint sweet scent of pressed roses that he would hide in books.

The Notebook.

He once called our love 'Our Book'. He said that we were writing one of the greatest love stories in history. When I asked him why he said 'Because our love is real. It's not a forgettable piece of fiction'

Although his words were nothing but sweet talk then, I still held on. Using those words as my floatation device. I reached into the box and brought out a photograph. It was of him. A small glare of light lit up the left side of his face as he looked down at something. I smiled at the joyful memory.

I remember.

It was during a power outage. Much like this one. We were seated in the living room. Looking through old photo albums. He seemed so at peace. So happy. So - mine. The candle sat by his side as he flipped through pages. I picked up my camera. Not wanting to miss this glorious moment and snapped a picture. A smirk spread across his lips. I never did know what made him smile, but I loved how it looked.

"Baby girl?" Cary's voice brought me from my flashback.

"In here" I called out to him. Within seconds he was standing in my doorway.

Cary Taylor was a gorgeous man. Brown walnut hair, crisply cut and slightly flipped in the front, complimented his skin tone. His emerald green eyes caught the hearts and stole the breath of nearly anyone who met him . He wore a black leather jacket that was soaked from the rain. Dark denim jeans and converses.


There were no words to truly describe. His insides were just as beautiful as the out.

I looked up at him. Tears fresh in my eyes and smiled. How pathetic I must look through his eyes.

"Hi" I said hushed like. He sighed. Stripping of his wet jacket and revealing the shirts underneath, he lowered to my level.

"Baby girl" he soothed. Reaching out and taking me into his lap. Cary was like my brother. Overly protective and there when I needed him.

"Three years Cary" I reminded him. My face pressed to his hard chest. He smelt of a fresh shower mixed with the lingering scent of rain.

"I know babe, but you can't keep doing this" he looked around at the items I had spread out. I watched as his eyes drifted and soon fell on the photo. He reached out and held it in his hands.

"He's a jerk"

"Cary.." I said in a somewhat whiny tone. I had heard this all before. Cary wished he could find Rob and beat him for what he did. But what good would that do? He would be released of his stress, but I would still have a bruised heart.

"No. He hurt you Em. He said he'd love you and then left in the middle of the night. Thought leaving behind some crappy note would be okay" Cary's words brought back the sting. The sting I felt waking up and without him. Finding his half of the bed as cold as my heart was, once I fond him packed up and gone.

I could understand Cary's anger though. He has to witness the extreme heartbreak of a loved one. I mentally and emotionally went into lockdown mode after that.

That was three years ago.

Cary looked down at me as I let out a yawn. He chuckled at my drowsiness.

"You need to sleep baby girl" just as I was about to stand up, Cary stood first. With me in his arms, he placed me in bed. Kicking off his shoes he laid down next to me. I cradled close to his chest.

"Thank you Cary. For everything" I spoke through another yawn. He kissed my forehead.

"Sleep Em. I'll be here when you wake" it was comforting to hear that. I adjusted my position and tucked my feet under his crossed legs.

He was no Robert, but he was mine and for that, I was grateful.


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Until we read again.


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