Chapter 15: Slipping

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His irises captured my attention. His hair was fussed from what seemed like a good nights sleep. A grey t-shirt stitched to cover his body, while he relaxed in sweat pants.

I felt cut open and exposed under his stare. That same gaze that had once captured me and undoubtedly broke me. Leaving me wonder and gasping for relief. My thoughts were scattered. I fight against the blur that clung to the events of last night and tried to remember something, anything. What was I doing at Austin's house? 

I felt violated and dirty. Images of what he could have done to me in my drunken state made made me sick. 

"You look so beautiful. Did you sleep well?" he asked. Shoving his hands into his pockets .He offered me a smile and I hated the sight of it. He treated this situation like a game and I was the mouse. 

I couldn't speak. A lump had formed in the back of my throat and blocked the air from passing freely. 

"You really shouldn't drink like that" he advised. Moving past me and heading toward the kitchen. His shirt sleeve, brushing against my bare shoulder as he passed by. I bit my bottom lip, hoping to suppress the scream that raged inside. "Good thing I showed up at the bar when I did. Something bad could've happened" 

He started the process of making coffee and after leaving the pot to brew, did he come back to where I was standing. Placing his hands on my shoulders and tracing circles with his thumbs. A shiver ran through me and my bodies natural response to his touch made him smile. 

"Your so vulnerable when your drunk Emma. You would've gone home with anyone" with a firm grip on my shoulders, he pulled me close to his chest. My breathing became erratic as I tried to remain calm on the outside, while my insides burst into flames. "Good thing I was there" he said as a whisper in my ear. He pressed his lips to my hair and began to rock us back and forth. With a tight hold on me, I had no choice but to follow. 

I immediately felt too warm and my stomach churned. 

"Your a very heavy sleeper" he commented with a laugh. Pulling away from me and going to take a seat on the couch. I eyes followed after him. Feeling disgusted in how comfortable he felt in this moment and recognizing the look of triumph on his face. Like he had won a game that only he knew was being played. 

Throughout all of this, I just stood there. Feeling like the world around me was spinning. Like I was on a never ending ride that left me feeling sick. 

"Emma, you don't look too well" his voice sounded muffled to my ears. I tried to take a step, but nearly stumbled to the ground. The tears came fresh and burned my eyes. My demon was back and was dressed in a grey t-shirt and sweat pants. "Emma, you should sit" I took another step, but this time was not successful in catching myself, for the last thing I remember is complete darkness as my face collided with the floor. 


Something cold and wet was pressed to my forehead. The refreshing cool eased me from the unconscious state. I tried to sit up, but was greeted by dizziness.

I laid on the couch. No longer wrapped in the blanket but now dressed in my clothes. I looked to my right, seeing Austin knelt down next to me, dabbing a cold compress to my skin for some reason made me sick. 

"What happened?" I asked. My body feeling limp.

"You fainted. You've been out for a few hours. I planned on taking you to the hospital if you didn't come to" 

"Hours?" I said and that's when the thought crossed my mind. 


I rushed to my feet, ignoring the disoriented dizziness and looked around frantically. 

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