Sam Jones

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"Yes!!Tomorrow is the last day of exams!!I'm finally free!!"Daphne screamed.

"Liz,I'll go ahead.I need to do something,"Kris said.

"Well,okay.See you tomorrow!!"I shouted to him as he run of.

Then,something came to my mind.I remember mom asked me to buy her coffee.

"Guys!!I'm going to the cafe.I almost forgot mom's coffee!!"

As I was walking,I looked around.I never saw the buildings clearly.I never saw the other stores because I'm always with my friends that I didn't notice it.

*Next time,after exams are finished,I'm going to spend a day,walking in the streets...*

Once I got there,I quickly ordered a coffee.I first took a sit.I was scanning my phone.

Jeez,the inbox was empty.Not even a new message.I was thinking too hard,I didn't even realize someone sat in front of me.


"Hi...You again?"

He chuckled,"So,where's your friends?"

"Kris ran off and Daphne is hanging out with her boyfriend."

"You don't have a boyfriend?"

"I have.It's Kris.Wait.I don't even know you and we're already having a personal conversation."

He chuckled.Again,"Right.My name is Sam Jones.You?"

"Elizabeth Blythe.Nice to meet you,"I said with a grumpy face.

"Why the long face?"


"Pfft.Come on.That wasn't a personal stuff."

I looked at him for a second and immediately turned away,"It's just that my in-box is empty."

He laughed really hard.But his laugh was cute and sexy.Just like Kris'.

"Here,"he handed me a paper,"my number's there.If ever you feel lonely,just contact that number."

He stood up but I stopped him.

"You sit there and I'll go."

I really hate it when guys just leave girls at the table.It's really rude. 

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