My (Almost) First Time

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(Hey guys can tell me what you think of it so far in the comments before, oh and sorry for any miss spelling or grammar mistakes.)

I walk out into the kitchen and smell something amazing in the kitchen. I turn the corner to see Flynn cooking.

"Where's everyone else?" I walk up and rest my chin on his shoulder, my arms hung by my side.

"Kay's bruises had went away a little so she went to school, she's just gonna say that a couple girls attacked her. She also took Ava to school. So me and you are gonna take a couple days off of school. Kay agreed to get our homework for us." Wow she's nicer than I took her for.

"Why were you crying last night?" He flinched, probably hoping I didn't remember.

"What happened yesterday scared me. Your face was so scary, you looked like a cold blooded killer. You were actually hurting someone. You looked like a wild animal. I didn't know who you were at that moment, I wanted to help you and Kay but you scared me so bad that I couldn't even move. I had never seen you like that before." He was crying again. I wrap my arms around him and rub up and down both his forearms. I felt something on one of his arms, so I look at it. He has 37 stitches from where I stabbed him. Then my tears start hitting his bear shoulder. He turns around and his warm bare chest seeps through his t shirt. We both cry in each other's arms for a minute, but then I realize something.

"Did you change my clothes or did Kay?" Hoping his answer is that he did.

"Kay." He laughs and I play it off and try not to make it obvious that I wanted him too. "I told her to just put this on you and she asked if you wore shorts to bed and I said she only wears her bra, underwear, and one of my t shirts to bed. She asked why you wear mine and I said you like to sleep in my shirt, because you hate to feel alone when you sleep so you wear mine. And that my smell and the smell of the house makes you feel like you have someone next to you." I smile and laugh at his answer.

"Hey can Ava and I stay here for a few more days?" He nods his head goes back to focusing on his cooking. "That's for cooking breakfast honey" I talk in a man's voice then kiss his cheek as a joke. He replies in a womanly voice.

"You're welcome sweetie pie." We both laugh and I go sit in living room and watch TV.

"Hey don't tell Kay I did that." He laughs, but I could tell it was fake.

"I already planned on it." He was so blunt about it, he almost seemed agitated. I decided to just keep quiet after that.

The house was quiet, except for the TV and the popping sound of bacon. If it wasn't for those sounds, then the house would seem abandoned. Once Flynn finished breakfast he brought two plates to the living room. He could tell I was upset.

"What's wrong?" He was very sympathetic, but also annoyed.

"Ava and I can stay at home if you want. You seem like you don't want us around anymore. Has Kay taken our place? If so then I can leave you alone." He sighed.

"I'm just annoyed by what all has happened and I'm trying to wrap my head around everything that has happened yesterday." I figured that was my signal to leave. so I went in to Flynn's room to change my clothes. "Where are you going?" I didn't say anything, but I kept on walking. I heard him get off the couch when I shut the door. I took off his shirt and faced the window that was opposite of the door. He walked in and he turned me around. I was crying. His eyes grew misty and I turned around. I started to put my pants back on, but Flynn's hands kept my jeans from going up any higher. I let go to turn around, but he stops me. For some reason I grew excited, but scared all at the same time. He slides my jeans to my ankles. I can feel his fingertips brush up the sides of outer thighs. I gasp for air as I feel a sensation of excitement. His finger tips stops at my panties. His hands wrap around my hips and he pulls our bodies closer together. He begins kissing my shoulder. He works his way ever so slowly up to the skin behind my ears. He stops, then he bites my ear. He takes his hands up to the back of my bra. He undoes it then slides the straps down my arms. The fabric hits the floor. Leaving my chest bare. His hands slither up my sides, which gave me goosebumps. He cups one breast in each of his cold hands, firmly. He continues to nimble on my ear. What has came over him? I want him to keep going, but then I think of Kay and how hurt she will be.

"Flynn, stop." He nods no as his hands slowly trace down my stomach. "Flynn stop." My voice grew louder. He whisper never into my ear as his hands reach below my belly button. They kept going further and further down. I grab his hands tight and move them off my body. "I said stop Flynn." I was now furious. The excitement left my body. I did want him to keep going, but I couldn't let him.

"I thought this is what you wanted Ira? Haven't you always imagined this happening? Well so have I. Especially when you cry. You're just so vulnerable and helpless. You're sad so I think of dirty ways to cheer you up. Of course these feelings haven't started until that day in the girls bathroom. You were just so powerful and dangerous. It was sexy. I'm sorry Ira. It won't happen again. At least until you want it to happen." It was sexy how confident and in control he was. I don't see Flynn as a creep. I mean he's told me about fantasies he has had with women, and well I tell him mine. Except for the ones that evolve him. That's just how our friendship is.

"You need to think of Kay, when you have urges. Not me. Yes I have had fantasies about you but I don't throw myself at you." I wasn't gonna tell Kay because that was probably going to happen between them. I mean it's the least I could do for a girl who wants her first time to be spontaneous. Flynn walks out the room. I put on my clothes and walk out in the living room. "I won't tell her. Make her first time as spontaneous as that was gonna be in the room.

"Wait. She hasn't had sex? Did she tell you?" I nod no.

"I can just tell."

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