Are They Here for Her?

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"What are you hiding Flynn?" His eyes move away from mine, so I move in the direction he's looking. He sighs then opens his mouth. Sympathy and pain glimpses in his eyes, then they glaze over. Clearing himself of his emotions so he could tell me with out losing it.

"Overseers could, because of their Cut-Throat. Their Cut-Throat could kill them. If they don't have sex with their Overseer then the Cut-Throat can't see what they're doing so then they can't avoid their Overseer. We Overseers are supposed to go into combat with our Cut-Throat because, even though they are strong and powerful, doesn't mean that they can take on more than 2 at a time. So the Overseers go to training at age 6 to get ready for combat. So, sometime this year they're going to come for Ava. Someone will stop at your house and tell you how many days you have before they come to get her. You can't explain anything to her though. You just tell her that she's going to go see mom and dad, which she will, and if she asks why you're not going then you simply say I have to finish packing and I'll meet you there soon. That's all you can tell her. Nothing else. If you do then they will punish you. They don't tell the Overseers what could possibly happen to them if they don't have sex with their partner. I only know because I saw it happen. I asked one of the mobsters why the Cut-Throat killed his partner, and she told me exactly what I told you." His eyes look dark and sunken in as if this topic makes him sick. 

"Okay. Where do they take her exactly?" I need to understand more about what is happening. 

"No one knows." His voice is kind of questioning me. "Are you alright? You're taking all of this really well." His hand finds a spot on my right shoulder and lightly squeezes. I nod once.

"I'll freak out later probably. How do they get the machine in my head?" This is one puzzling procedure. 

"When ever a mother in the mob gives birth, people in the mob and their mad scientist are there for the baby in case it dies. When ever a child is born premature or not and they die, the scientists start right away and take the baby to a separate room to preform the surgery.  They will cut open the right side of your scalp and drill through you skull. Once they're through, they cut out that half of your brain and replace it with the machine. they hook up your nerves to the device. Once it's hooked they place the dura back and put the skull back in place using titanium plates and screws. Then they preform CPR, pump drugs in you to encourage the electrical activity of the heart to start back up. If it does then the surgery was a success and if it doesn't then they remove the device from your head. If you're on of the "lucky" ones then every few years you go to their secret lab and they upgrade the machine to be the same size as your other half, and so you can function normally as a human. They have something they give you to make sure you don't remember anything that involved them that day." By the time he's done talking we've reached my house. 

I unlock the door and give it a good heave, it slides inward. I take a deep breathe as if I've had a bad memory to keep me from here. This is my parent's house, it has become lifeless, it's quit breathing. My parents were it's lungs that gave this house life, but they were removed along with the house' soul. Its cold and dark, depressing. I walk over to the laundry room and take clean clothes from atop of the dryer. I grab about 6 changes of clothes for me and 6 for Ava. 3 pairs of pj's for Ava and 3 comfortable shirts for me. I set them on the couch then go to my room for a bag to put them in. I go to the bathroom and get Ava and I's necessities. I grab a couple of things I think I might need to myself out of my room and a few things to entertain Ava.  I start to put everything in the bag when I hear a palm hit the front door 3 times. I put down what I'm doing and walk to the door. 

My heart begins to race as I inch closer to the door. I stop in front of it and my heart beats faster and harder. A bang followed by 2 more makes me jump. They're louder than the last ones. I gingerly place a hand on the door knob and my blood runs cold. I slowly and gently twist it as if.....if its made of glass. If I move to fast then my hand will be shredded, if I grip it too hard then it will pierce my skin. I slowly slide the door open and as I look to see who it is I become blinded by the sun. I can only see an outline of a man.

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