His Whispers

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"What do you mean for now?" I shiver and grab a towel to dry myself off. He shakes his head vigorously.

"Never mind. Forget what I said." He closes the curtain. "Sorry for what I did just now and for everything I did earlier. Close the door please." His voice saddens. I take the brush and towel and slowly step out of the room. The door creaks to an ajar position. Why is he acting like that? What did he mean by for now? I just blow it off, and shut the door completely. I make footstep sounds that seem like I'm going back into the living room. I stay by the door and listen for any sort of unusual sound. I wait and I wait, when I've finally decided that he was fine, I hear sobbing.

"I'm so sorry Ira. I don't want to betray you, but I have to. It's my job as your protector. I'll protect you for as long as I'm allowed, but when they need you I have to let you go. If only you would've let me had sex with you then you could stay with me forever and I don't have to leave you behind." His voice is faint, and his words are slurred. I want him to stop saying that, to stop crying, but he cries harder, harder. I hear him drop to the floor, then I hear nothing. I bust open the door and run to the shower. The curtain flies open without anyone touching it. I decide to worry about that later, Flynn is passed out on the floor. The water is in his face and with every inhale, water enters his body. I pull the sleeping boy out of the shower with his arm. Once his naked body is completely on the floor, I grab a bunch of towels and lay them over him. I draw my arm and hand back to slap him, but I hesitate. Without thinking about it I strike his face. He jumps up and coughs out the intruding water that is in his lungs. He shivers not in coldness, but sadness. He sees all the towels then my worried face. He jumps back like a cartoon character.

"Where did you come from?" His voice is shaky like his body.

"I-I was in the living room when I heard a thud. I came running in, pulled you out, covered you in towels, then slapped you. Are you okay?" It appears he believes my story. Good. His expression calms and he seems at peace.

"Okay. I'm sorry to have scared you like that. So you were in the living room the whole time? Okay. Thank you for coming and pulling me out of the shower." I nod once. He wraps one of the towels that I placed on him around his lower body. He then stands up and he gently reaches out his hand. It rests on the small of my back. There's a force that comes from his hand and into my back. It's strong, but not strong enough to make me topple over. I push my self against it and I draw myself closer to his wet body. He doesn't reject me, but he doesn't accept me either. He's just there, almost like he's an empty shell. "Ira." I know by that, that he doesn't want to do anything. I may not know what that means, but I know that I don't want him to leave me either. A door opens, then creaks closed.

"Hello? Ira. Flynn? Anyone here?" We run out of the bathroom and see Kay standing there with Ava in front of her. Ava's knuckles were red and swollen, her cheek is red.

"Ava! What happened?" Ava looks down at the ground. I squat down to her level and cup my hands around her face. I force her to look at me.

"I've got to go back to class. I'll ask later why you're all wet Ira. Ava you need to tell them. Bye." She walked out of the house and to her car. She pulled out and her car roared to a distance.

"Umm. Ira. A girl hit me so I, uh, I beat her up." Ava is crying now.

"You mean you had beaten her. Did she mean to hit you?" Mom mode kicks in.

"Her toy hit me in the cheek. She laughed . So I hit her back, then she hit me again. Then I beat her." She dried up her tears. Her face is emotionless and bare. She's scaring me. Now I know how Kay and Flynn felt. I should tell him I remember what happened.

"Ava. You just can't hit someone. You're grounded. No TV, except for bed time. Your play time will be shortened at home." She wines, but doesn't throw a fit. She used to throw a fit all the time when mom and dad were around. I think after they left, she became a reversed version of herself.

"Is it okay if she stays here while I go get some clothes?" Flynn opens his mouth to speak, but is interrupted by the front door flying open.

"I couldn't stay at school. It's boring, especially without you there Flynn." They peck and Flynn glances at me then at Kay. He nods for me to go. I grab my jacket and purse and head out the door. I'm get about a quarter of the mile away from his house before I hear footsteps behind me. I get nervous and speed up my walking. I don't dare to look back. The footsteps grow heavy, and closer. I hear the steps closer behind me. I duck and cover as I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Take whatever you want. Just, please, don't hurt me." My face is hot and wet with tears and nervous sweat.

"Ira. What are you doing? It's me. Flynn. I've come to walk with you, to make sure nothing happens to you." He's worried about me? He helps me up and I take a deep breathe, slowing down my heart rate. I feel a hand slowly move up my back. It stops at the middle. There's pressure applied and I'm spun, my face makes contact with his chest. Both hands wrap around my mid-section. The hug grows tighter. "Why didn't you just let me do it?" He whispers, his hot breathe warms my frozen ear. I knew what he was talking about.

"What do mean? Let you do what?" He nodded his head no. He hasn't let go, he doesn't plan on it either. He whispers something in my ear again. His hot breathe sending a tingle down my spine.

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