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"Come on just tell me." I whine and hug his right leg. This was something that I always did as a little girl, he used to get mad. He would get mad because he couldn't go anywhere and he couldn't lift me up. Except now he might be able to pick me up with his leg. I only weigh about 90 pounds and I'm only 5'0''. So he most likely can pick me up. I keep whining and begging. He lifts up his leg and holds on to a tree branch to steady his self. He lifts me so I'm laying on my stomach against his leg. I look up at his smiling, teary face. He can't help but to laugh. 

"You look like a little lost puppy." For dramatic effect I put on a puppy-dog face and pucker out my bottom lip. "Now you really do. He places his free hand on top of my head. He pats twice then messes up my hair. Now that frustrates me a little.

"Can I ride on your back?" He nods and I hop off his leg and on his back. He continues to walk and I start to fall asleep. Things grow black and blurry. It's the same dream from last night, the one with Kay and Flynn in the bathroom. I cant wake up, my heart feels like it's going to burst out of my chest. I can't open my eyes, I can't move, I can't breathe. I feel like I'm drowning and I can't swim. The dream is fading away. My eyes open, I'm awake. BREATHE IN! I suck in cold crisp air. My heart starts to slow down now. My head is light, and my body is numb. 

"Ira! Are you ok?" I feel small slaps that make me realize where I am and what happened. I nod yes and sit on the road for a minute, I take big deep breathes, my body shakes in fear. "What happened?"

"I don't know, I had the same dream from last night about what happened when I blacked out in the bathroom at school. Then I couldn't wake up, move, or breathe. I felt like I was drowning." He looks at me with concern. His eyes are puffy and his face is red. A pool of tears collect at the bottom of his eyes, they're about to over flow. Flynn wipes them before they had a chance. "I don't know what's wrong with me. Do you?" I knew he knew what was wrong with me, i just want him to admit it. He opens his mouth to say something but then he shakes his head slowly, looking at the ground. "If you know something then tell me now." I demand. He opens his mouth at breathes in to speak, but he hesitates and closes his mouth again the opening it, stumbling over his breaking voice.

"I-I, er. Um, I-I do know what's wrong with you. You,(sigh), you are actually a weapon for a group of mobsters. You-you're a cyborg kind of. Half of your brain is a machine that a group of mad scientist helped to put inside your head when you were a baby. With a single switch, or demand from one of the higher "officers", I guess you would call them, they can turn on the machine and activate an indestructible force within you. No one can touch you and you become a brutal, blood-thirsty killer. You can move things with your mind." He takes deep breathes to calm himself and he waits for my response.

"Well that explained why the shower curtain ripped open when you passed out." He's surprised with my answer to this strange day.

"If I have sex with you then you are required to stay with me forever and not have to be tested on, because then your data would be too corrupt to analyze test. You would still be a killing machine, but then you could have some control and see what you're doing. Like you could, yourself, manually corrupt the outcome of the tests. You could also shut yourself during combat so you can't watch what you're doing to people. You are required to stay with me after we have sex because that's just one of the rules. After sex you become a little less important to the killing experiments. They plan on creating an army of killing machines, so they can over throw the government. I am your protector to make sure nothing happens to you before they need you. You guys are called The Cut-Throats, I'm called the Overseer. Pretty cool names right? Well, the mafia doesn't know our real names and they could care less. You're number 1, you were the first success out of 20 babies. I'm 21. I was established an Overseer after you were successful transformed. The other 20 were assigned to the first 20 babies that didn't work. Later on after you, they were assigned to other successful Cut-Throats. I could tell you more if you'd like." He has relaxed some. I'm actually pretty okay after hearing all that. 

"Just give me a minute to take in all the information and process it." He nods once. He stands and waits in front of me with his cheesy smile plastered on his face, as if hoping that I won't flip shit. "So you only hang out with me because of your "mission"? I guess you would call it that." 

"Umm, yes and no. Do I stay around you because it's my mission? Yes. Do I have to be friends with you? No. We could be immortal enemies and never talk or things like that, but I still would have to protect no matter how much I hated you. I chose to be friends with you. Ava is an Overseer, but she won't be told that until she gets a Cut-Throat assigned to her." His smiled started to fade. He isn't telling me something.

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