What's Wrong With Me?

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"What are you gonna do? Call me a whore again? Or how about a bitch. What's next? Cunt? Why the hell are you crying?" Kay is standing in front of a mirror with hers hands pressing against the sink. She cries harder and clenches her hands around the sink rim. Tears fall from her face and into the bowl.

"No. I'm crying because the only other person that I have other than my 6 year old sister, is siding with daddy's little rich girl instead of his childhood best friend. I was there when he lost his mother in a car accident, I was there when he felt alone, I was there when he was being picked on. Not you. I was there no matter what happened to me or him. If I were to die I would still be there for him, I would still try to protect him from people who don't know the pain and suffer that he's been through. I bet you didn't know that he was a foster kid for sometime. He would run away from every single home he went to, and do you know where he would run to? He would run to me. He would run to my house. He was a foster kid for 8 years until his dad got out of jail. They say he stole a car on April 14th, 2003. they released him on November 27, 2010. He was 5 when they took him away from his dad and threw him into some home. He lost his mom before they took his dad away that year. I WAS ALL HE HAD! DON'T YOU GET THAT?! AND NOW HE'S ALL I HAVE!" I sank to the floor crying myself a river to drown in.

"I didn't know he went through all that stuff." She had stopped crying during my little story.

"Of course you didn't. No one did. I was the only one who knew. There's way more than that, but you don't deserve to know. He's all I have and your taking him away. I have no family except for him and Ava. My parents disappeared into thin air, I've been going through a rough time for about 2 years." I'm so mad, she's made me furious. I feel numb now and my tears have quit by now. I have become so numb that everything is starting to fade.

"I-I didn't know Ira, I'm sorry." She looks down.

"I don't want your pity. All I want is for you to leave me and Flynn alone. I don't want to see you with him anymore. I don't think he's there for me anymore, and right now I need him more than ever. What could possibly be wrong with your life anyways?"

"Well the fact that I have to live up to my parents name, which is really difficult by the way. They are world wide famous. Everyone knows the Balahan name and what they do."

"I don't. I'm pretty sure that more than half the school doesn't know. What does your family do? Do they ruin companies?"

"What? No. They help supply food to starving kids in 3rd world countries, they give medicine to people who need it. They do lots of stuff to help the world." Kay was about to cry again.

"Must have been hard for your dad to know that your mom popped out a little bitch. Why are you so mean anyways? If your family's super sweet, then why are you an ass?" Everything is turning blurry and gray. Everything was moving so slowly.

"I don't know. I mean my parents are gone all the time so I've always had to take care of myself. We don't have house mades or servants so I was alone all the time."

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that. But that's your problem, and Flynn is mine. So stay away from him. Got it?" 

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