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This train station was new to me for I was knew to the area. I left the Merlins Academy of Magic when my mom applied for a job in the area. My green eyes searched the area for platform nine and three quarters. My mother and I searched curiously for the way to Merlins was never this complicated.
"Go ask them!" My mother pointed to a family of red heads.
"They could be muggles, mother." I noted. My mother shook her head,
"That boy is dressed in a red robe with an owl in a cage, I'm sure he isn't muggle." She watched a boy who seemed to be older than the others and had a boy identical to him. In fact, they were all dressed in red robes and carried wands and small pets. My mother and I trailed to the enormous family,
"Excuse me, but do you happen to know the way to platform nine and three quarters?" They each turned to me. The one looking closest to my age replied,
"Right through there." He pointed to a space in the wall.
"Will I not get hurt?" They each shook their heads,
"Nope, you'll go right through it." Answered the youngest, a girl who looked a year younger than I. I nodded,
"Thank you. I'm Eliza Simmons, I transferred from the Merlins Academy of Magic and will be considered a fifth year student due to how long I had been at Merlins. But thank you so much!" I began to walk off before one of the twins called,
"By the way, we're the Weasleys. I'm Fred and this is my twin, George." He ushers to the boy identical to him, "and this is Ron and Ginny. Ginny is a fourth year and Ron is a fifth year. Oh! And this is Percy but he left already." Ron and I meet eyes for a brief second before I smile,
"Nice meeting you all!"
I lead my mom to the wall and grip her hand before running through the wall and landing on the other side. I feel my body smash into another. I see a glimpse of red and fall, tumbling with the figure. I look to see Ron, I blush and stand up. I extend my arm and help him up,
"Oh my, I'm so sorry!" I hear a pair of snickers and look up behind Ron to see Fred and George laughing. I blush once again and turn to my mother just as the train halts. In dive in an wrap my arms around her fast before she gives me a peck on the forehead. A few tears slide down her cheek before she wipes them away. It was time to leaves this muggle world...

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