Twenty One

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Trailing down to the hall for lunch, Luna caught up with me.
"I heard Draco left, are you fine?" I gave her an odd look,
"Draco? Who is Draco?" She went blank faced,
"Your boyfriend." I shook my head,
"I don't have a boyfriend, Luna." She was nuts. She froze and her pale face got paler and her eyes widened as if she's concluded something interesting. She gave a small grin,
"Let's just go eat." We sat down and ate. Cho leaned across the table,
"I've heard that Draco Malfoy left to become a death eater!" Who was this Draco? This was getting on my nerves.
"Who is Draco?"
"Platinum blond hair, pale skin, grey eyes, Slytherin? Can you not remember?" I shook my head and decided to just leave it. I got up and headed towards the common room before hitting a body. I stumble backwards but catch balance and look to see a boy with dark hair and round glasses, wearing a red tie which led me to belive that he was a Gryffindor. I recgonzie him as Harry Potter who Luna and Cho always talked about. They've pointed at him once for me to know what he looks like.
"I'm so sorry." He apologized.
"It's not your fault that I can't pay any attention." I weakly grinned. He must've read my mind because he asked,
"Are you okay?"
"No, I am just really confused. Everyone keeps talking about this Draco boy but I have no idea who he is.
"Draco? Weren't you two a thing?" He asks. I fling my arms in the air,
"No. I don't know him nor why everyone keeps saying we were together. My name is Eliza Simmons." I extend my arm. We shake hands,
"Harry Potter."

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