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We stood at the edge, gazing at the stars.
"You don't like Mudbloods-"
"Eliza, I'm sorry." I stare into his eyes in surprise. Draco apologizing seemed a bit off.
"Did you realize that blood status doesn't matter?" He shrugs,
"I don't know, I just happen to like you." I smile,
"Friends?" I extend my hand. He stares at me for a while and shrugs. I reach out further,
"Come on, Draco." He grins and takes my hand,
"Friends." I smile again and stand beside him, gazing at the stars. Who knew that a sweet and innocent Ravenclaw Mudblood and a Slytherin pure-blood could be friends? I didn't expect this to occur. That night, Draco walked me to the common room. I stood before the door and answered the riddle and it swung open.
"Guess I'll see you tomorrow?" I say. He smiles,
"Yeah, of course." I nod and grin before entering the common room, closing the door behind me. I walk in to Cho sitting on the sofa.
"Where were you?"
"With a boy."
"What boy?" She smiles as I sit down beside her. I shake my head,
"I'm not saying." She giggles and shakes her head before Luna emerges from the dorm and sits beside Cho.
"I was with Ron." I lie, afraid of what their reactions would be if I informed them about Draco for none of the houses liked the Slytherin for most of then were jerks like everybody saw Draco. I think Draco isn't really bad, he's just misunderstood and needs someone to help him.

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