Thirty Six

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We loaded onto the Hogwarts Express and I sat between Draco and Cho meanwhile Luna and Neville sat across from us. Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron sat across the aisle.
"Write to me, visit me, call me on the telephone, okay?" Luna requested. We all nodded and Draco spoke,
"I sadly have to live in a great big mansion with Narcissa. I mean, I love my mother and all but she still hates Dumbledore and barely has any good in her unless its towards those she loves. And Lucius...well he's dead and so is Aunt Bella." I gave him a small grin of sympathy. Cho spoke,
"As for me I'll study more magic and probably marry and become a professor at Hogwarts." Them Neville,
"I still have to return to Hogwarts since I'm a professor there. What about you?" Heads turn towards me. I shrug,
"Live with my mom and try to get use to my dad and then maybe join the Auror and marry and start a family." I look at Draco who grins. Luna announced,
"I'll probably move in with my cat, Aro, we will probably live in one of those apartments where I'll hang all my art and hopefully stay forever with Neville." Neville blushed and then kissed her which took her by major surprise. They pulled from each other and blushed. The train halts and we all gather our stuff before exiting the train. Draco spots Narcissa who glares at me and then I search for my mother and father.
"It's been a spectacular three years with you, Eliza." Harry said.
"You too, Harry." I smiled. He nodded and turned to Ginny who I said goodbye to. Then to Hermione and Ron. Luna and I hugged tightly,
"Here's our telephone digits." She handed me a slip of paper with neatly written handwriting. I smiled and said goodbye. Cho and I said our goodbyes and then I found Draco with Narcissa.
"Meet me tomorrow at the Weasley Wizarding Wheezes?" I offer. He nods,
"Sure. I love you, goodbye." He kisses me on the lips which annoys Narcissa. I hug him and head off towards my parents. The year was over...Hogwarts was over...until I return to become an Auror...

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