Thirty Four

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I woke up in the arms of Draco. The sun shined bright through the cracks of the curtians and my eyes shifted to the clock. I toss off the covers, shaking Draco awake,
"Draco, wake up!" He opens his eyes and his eyes wander to the clock before he dives up, pulling hus clothes from the dresser. I kiss his cheek and dive down the hall, receiving odd stares as I sprinted in my pajamas. It was second period and I had to be at my potions class. I made it to the common room and up to the dorms. I quickly pulled on light wash skinny jeans and a white shirt, grey sweater, and blue tie tucked in. I slip on my blue converse and comb out my hair, pulling it into a high ponytail and doing a bit of concealer, mascara, and lip gloss. I grab my robe, wand, and bag before charging back down the halls towards my class. I enter to a silent class as they worked on their potions. The new professor, Professor Harris, a fair young woman with the most rude attitude.
"I'm so sorry, I slept in and-,"
"Yeah, with a prefect." Snickered Pansy from the back of the room. A bit of laughter sounded and I blush before taking my seat beside Luna.
"Where were you?" She whispers.
"I stayed the night with Draco and woke late." I yawn, fishing my potions book from my bag. Luna points to the page number in her book and I flip to it, heating up the cauldron. I gather from the shelves a bottle of dragon tears, unicorn blood, and goats milk in order to create a dizzy potion. I mix them up and into a bottle. Pansy mutters a few words to Crabbe who nods,
"The Slytherin and the Ravenclaw!" He dances around the room. I blush and Professor Harris glares at him,
"Mr Crabbe, I suggest you get back to work right now!" He snickers and goes back beside Pansy.
"Just ignore him, he's a jerk like most Slytherin. Well you know, besides Draco." Luna says. I nod and eventually class was over. I headed for my art class and stepped in. The class only consisted of Luna, Hermione, Pansy, and I. The teacher was a middle aged woman named Ivy Lennon. She slept almost all class period in her chair.
"Paint a dementor for me, I was something realistic, not a stick dementor or a cartoon demmentor. Use water colors and there must be a background. Do your best, please. While I'm asleep, no magic!" She immediately drifts off. Pansy turns to me,
"So you and Draco, huh?"
"Shut your mouth, Pansy Parkinson!" Hermione growled. Pansy rolled her eyes,
"How about you shut your mouth, Granger." And she began painting. Hermione looked angry and I know I was. Meanwhile Luna stayed quiet, painting away. I examine her work which was by far the most amazing piece of art I've seen from a Hogwarts student my age. I hoped for today to flash by and for everyone to shut up about Draco and I.

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