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I headed to the common room beside Luna. I pick a bed and shove my bags under it.
"I am so glad you're a Ravenclaw!" Luna exclaimed joyfully. I smile and sit on the edge of the blue quilt that covered the bed.
"I'm glad I'm not a Slytherin or I'd be stuck with Draco." Luna nods in agreement. I got into a blue night gown and Luna decided to do my hair for the night.
"Just a braid, please." I request. She nods and gathers up my brown hair before dividing it into three strands and weaving them into a beautiful braid down my back. When she ties the elastic, I turn to face her and she nods,
"Pretty! Now I'm tired, so I'm gonna go to bed. See you in the morning, Eliza." She crawls into bed meanwhile the other Ravenclaw girls were fast asleep. I pull the quilt far up to my chin and close my eyes.
Morning quickly arrived. I woke to Luna calling my name. I dart out of bed and to the bathroom, turning the dial and warm water shoots from the faucet. I step into the shower stall and close the curtain. When I'm finished, I change into a black skirt, white shirt, grey sweater, blue tie with black shoes. I dry my hair and pull on a blue headband and braid my hair. I realize I'd forgotten to bring makeup and examined myself in the mirror,
"Forgot the cosmetics?" I turn to see a dark haired girl with dark eyes and I was told her name was Cho Chang. I nod and she grins, pulling a small case from the vanity.
"Lucky for you, I have some." Luna came in,
"Cho, she doesn't need any makeup. She's beautiful already!" She steps beside me.
"Thank you, Luna. But I think I'm just gonna wear a little." I display about an inch with my thumb and index finger. She sighs,
"Oh, alright." I turn to Cho and she applies concealer since our tones were almost the same. She was slightly darker but it would be fine. I was a light olive tone since my ancestors were Italian and English. Then she applied mascara and a bit lip balm. Cho smiled,
"I think that's good."

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