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I cleaned my wounds up and sat on my bed. It was dark out and the other girls had just gotten back from dinner,
"Eliza!" Luna ran towards me,"Where were you?"
"Just reading in the library, that's all." She shakes her head, examining my bruises.
"Who did this?"
"Nobody- ,"
"Eliza! Tell me." I shook my head. She gave a frustrated expression and shook her head,
"Who, Eliza?"
"Draco Malfoy." I blurt. She is silent for a few seconds before retrieving her wand and heading for the door. Cho stops her,
"Luna, where are you going?"
"Teaching Malfoy a lesson." She smirked and left. I darted out of bed and towards the door and before Cho gripped my hand and pulled me to my bed,
"Don't worry about Draco, just get rest." I sighed as she crawled into her bed. I layed down in bed, pulling up the covers and falling asleep.

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